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Game Bugs - Request Help

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Black Isle Studios' Planescape: Torment.
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Game Bugs - Request Help

Post by BannerDog »

I have encountered the following bugs, some (maybe all) of which prevent me from finishing the game:

I have the 4 CD version of Torment, with the 1.1 patch.

I also have installed a cheat that insures maximum hit points on leveling.


I am supposed to talk to Mar about the box he gave me (the priest in the temple took care of the box problem, then went into some kind of trance). This is in my quest log.

However, Mar no longer seems to exist. He is not where I first encountered him, amongst the dead lim lims. I've searched far and wide for Mar, to no avail.


I have spoken to Lady Thorncombe and found that she is clearly addicted (she can't pay attention and says that she won't leave).

However, there is no dialog sequence with Salabesh that causes him to react to this news.

There are only 2 things that I can ask him, neither of which lead to further dialog.


With regards to entering the siege tower, I have killed Grosuk and spent a lot of time walking all around the eastern drawbridge but have never been prompted.

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Post by Jules »

Mar, understandably, isn't too eager to meet you after the whole box quest. There's a small, columned courtyard (sounds nicer than it is), also with lots of dead Lim-Lims in it, a bit to the northwest of where you met him originally. It's in the same part of the Hive: it's just about half a screen away, and he's kinda concealed in the darkness. He isn't where he originally was, regardless.

Have you asked Lady Thornecombe to train you, or have you just found out that she's addicted? To get the Selabash options, I think you have to actually ask her to train you.
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