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Use of Guards

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Use of Guards

Post by badboyd22 »

what is the use of Guards? the onley thing i saw them do was atacking me.. do they have any other uses?
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Post by Mccool »

They beat up enemies such as cliff racers and slaughter fish, depending on where you are, if they attack you. If gaurds attack you and send you to jail they'll also confiscate all of your stolen items.
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Post by Rookierookie »

They are there as a deterrent for crime.
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Post by Loredweller »

[QUOTE=badboyd22]what is the use of Guards? the onley thing i saw them do was atacking me.. do they have any other uses?[/QUOTE]
They still could be subjects for Command Humanoid - with all consequences.

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Post by badboyd22 »

command humanoid?

what is that?
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Post by Loredweller »

Not much, just people under this spell follow you and fight on your side - while the spell lasts, then they return to their business. The spell is costly and hard to use, however, morover since there's hardly a way to guess NPC's level in game. There's no chance to Command the Master of Tel Fyr, for example, his level is 65.
There's similar spell Command Creature, BTW.

Have been told that so one could release slaves from places where is no key - just leading them to nearby place which key is in the pocket already. Never tried myself, though.

P.S. There is a scroll with both those spells in the game holding much more than a PC could normally cast.

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Post by Greg. »

The mod 'Dracandos Voice' is an excellent mod that allows you to command faction members of lower rank than yourself. However guards can only be commanded by the faction leader... Makes it well worth advancing in the Imperial Legion/Temple - you can essentially command any guards/ordinators...
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