Mentions details of a quest, don't highlight if you don't want it spoilt!!!
Hallo, anyone who can help... I'm having a lot of trouble sneaking in to the house thingie in the Society of Leopold quest... I've tried coming from both the sewers and by cab but still find it near impossible to stealth my way in. Every time I try to find a path I end up being pumped full of lead. I'm playing a Toreador Female, so I'm not the best at sneaking but that shouldn't prohibit my ability to sneak into this place, right? Maybe I'm just missing something totally obvious, but some help would be nice, even if it's something really obvious I couldn't find an answer in the GameBanshee Walkthru for Bloodlines. Thankyou.
I've never bothered with the sewer route so I can't help there. First time I did it I ran in guns blazing, or rather swords swinging and I found it easy to get in, but when I was in I kept the same tactic and was killed pretty quickly. When I did it again I adopted the stealth method with a sneak value of 1 and I could crouch infront of guards and they'd be none the wiser. You just have to pay close attention to your stealth bar as you sneak, I went around the right of the fortress, taking some guards out with stealth kills and just leaving others and I made it to the door with ease. Hope this helps.
i usually just kill everything in sight going to the building then once i get around the back and enter i start using stealth a lot more, disable each tripwire i come too, and generally try to take the guys inside the building out one at a time if i can. i found the trick getting to the building was to use disciplines. i know as a malk and a tremere i used suicide a lot. with gangrel i used fortitude to protect me from their bullets and just killed them all with a fireaxe, automatic shotgun or using protean. i've never played as toreador so don't know what disciplines they have, but they will have one that will make life a bit easier.
[QUOTE=gothmetalla666]Mentions details of a quest, don't highlight if you don't want it spoilt!!!
Hallo, anyone who can help... I'm having a lot of trouble sneaking in to the house thingie in the Society of Leopold quest... I've tried coming from both the sewers and by cab but still find it near impossible to stealth my way in. Every time I try to find a path I end up being pumped full of lead. I'm playing a Toreador Female, so I'm not the best at sneaking but that shouldn't prohibit my ability to sneak into this place, right? Maybe I'm just missing something totally obvious, but some help would be nice, even if it's something really obvious I couldn't find an answer in the GameBanshee Walkthru for Bloodlines. Thankyou.
Vixi Vampiress xxx[/QUOTE]
A strategy, blacked out in case you don't want to see it.
I typically play Tremere female, but the strategy in general is this: Sneak. I come in from the cab, go around the headland in sneak mode, and start killing by stealth, working clockwise around the building. When it becomes no longer possible to go clockwise, I start going counter-clockwise working in. The idea is to take out the perimeter defenses, and start moving them inwards towards the house until there are none left. I always come in the door to the left of the altar if you were facing it. Be patient, and it will all shake out in your favor. Do not initiate a gun-battle before the last fight with Bach, because you can't win it - too many armed opponents.
As a Toreador, you have Celerity. That is a handy tool for taking out guards in groups. Use Celerity to your advantage, and be sure to keep your blood points up by feeding frequently.
My Tremere makes liberal use of Suicide and Trance to get through at normal speed, and I haven't had a problem.
Sic gorgiamos allos subjectatos nunc
(The Addams family motto: Gladly we feast on those who would subdue us)
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy, and good with Ketchup.
Are you crouching (Default Ctrl)? No but seriously, just look at the sneak-o-meter, and try keeping it green. And use celerity with sneak, you'll be past before they even have time to finish their breaths.
How many points have you put into Celerity? If you've got it up to 5, you shouldn't even need stealth. You move significantly faster than their bullets do. With good timing, you can rip your way through all the guards outside, pausing only to feed when your blood gets low. Celerity 5 makes mince meat of mortals. The key is to keep moving. I suggest using a shotgun. Run up to one of them, fire off a round point blank right in his face. Regardless of whether he lives or dies, move on to the next target. Don't stop until they're all dead, or if you get one alone out of the line of sight of the others. Then you feed on that one.
Without Celerity 5 (or at least 3), follow the strategy yrth outlined. Works well for any clan.
".... for I had seen the Human face of the Vampires, and now I beheld the monstrousness of these Men..."
Did this for a Toreador the first time a week or two ago, and definitely went for sneaking. If you have enhanced Auspex it can be useful for spotting the guards, as can making use of the scope on a rifle, but do not shoot. It's just a means to let you check out the opposition.
Make sure you are wearing clothing that does not affect your dexterity, you shouldn't need it, but increasing your sneaking is a good thing.
Sneaking + celerity = stealth kills/feeds as you can sneak as fast as they can walk. The whole outdoors level is extremely dark, which means you can be standing next to a guard and not always be spotted. Actually making guards suspicious can be helpful as you can get them to move off pre-determined patrol paths, out of Line of Sight of other guards, and easier pickings for stealth feeds.
I just kept to the right of the initial passage, and kept heading right (anti-clockwise). You only have to kill enough guards to let you get to the backdoor (I chose the left one when facing the building from the outside).
Frequent saves are your friend, as sneaking levels can be adversely affected by a single mistake. Much better to only go back a step or two, rather than restart the level (even with the load times in this game!).
Thanks for all your help guys. Up until this point I have not had any need to use my Toreador disciplines much, except Celerity occasionally, but my Celerity discipline is on 2 because I've been spending my xp on things like dexterity and research for sidequests and things, but I will try levelling up my Celerity and just run... a lot... Tried sneaking/stealth tactics but it didn't work for me. Hmm. Oh well, thank you
There are more tactics possible. The first time in there with my Toreador I went in a bit quick and got swarmed. Nothing lethal, just somewhat chaotic.
I preferable use feeding to kill Kine, it makes your characer near invincible. Until you get interrupted, so avoid that by thinning out their number with more conventional means or ... backing away from the heat. Use the terrain, there are small 'corridors' behind the rocks which will shield you from the snipers on the roof and force the groundtroops to come to you one-by-one. The first effectively shield you from those who follow, giving you the chance to feed and restore health and bloodpoints.
"And they know it was you."
"Too many of us migh set them off like fundamentalists on contrary opinion."