[QUOTE=Loredweller]Fable, i may have missed something, altogether which NPC casted area effect spell at all, moreover if they didn't see your PC? And if one's attacking stealthed and they wasn't able to detect the attacker, they just would try to run away...
Your game seems to have emproved AI.
Well, it seems to be a mod. I'm going to keep for myself my opinion about it, however.[/QUOTE]
It may indeed be a mod, but if you lift an object in plain view while stealthed, it stands to reason that the guards and others there shouldn't just mill about in astonishment--that's silly. So iif the mages are responding with area attacks because of a mod, I say, good on them.

Can't say for sure it is a mod, however, because I've been using mods for so long. Are you saying this conduct isn't part of the vanilla game? That everyone just gawks and has no response to an obvious, even standard, threat?