Hmm, we'll have to fix this place up a bit but hey...
*Unslings Magical Bag of Holding from shoulder*
Lemme go set up this spam generator...
"Be thankful you're healthy." "Be bitter you're not going to stay that way."
"Be glad you're even alive." "Be furious you're going to die."
"Things could be much worse." "They could be one hell of a lot better."
hmm... doesneed some redecorating, wheres lestat, sh.... he was always good with that.
Nicely done rav, though I must admit mine was better .
*reaches into magical bag and pulls out king size bed, lotion, shower, chocolate syrup, 'service people'*
Be back in a bit, hope this place looks better, Ive got to go eat.
If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him. Voltaire
[QUOTE=Xandax]Color me purple and call me barney.[/QUOTE]
I based it on 'Citadel' and found alternates. It was very impromptu though, I've been beaten once to making a spam thread, I didn't want it to happen twice.
Oh, BTW, one thing I state here 'There will be no obsessions here. Casual spam is fine by my reckoning.'
@Phreddie, no assuming you automatically get a room here! :laugh:
*Unloads Slade's armoire and Exploding head closet into bedroom, places dali painting in office*
Phred's right, we need Lestat's interior decorating ability... He can match colors like no man before him.
No obsessions?! Well that means you've run OS and Chus off... Way to go Rav...
"Be thankful you're healthy." "Be bitter you're not going to stay that way."
"Be glad you're even alive." "Be furious you're going to die."
"Things could be much worse." "They could be one hell of a lot better."
[QUOTE=Ravager]Oh, BTW, one thing I state here 'There will be no obsessions here. Casual spam is fine by my reckoning.' [/QUOTE]
:laugh: as if you can stop them, but iM with you, the only obsessions be good booze and good lovers, no bands, music, food, nor furniture fetishes to be obsessed over here, maybe an intelligent discusion if the creator be so kind, but naught of obsess in excess.
If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him. Voltaire
[QUOTE=Xandax]Color me purple and call me barney.[/QUOTE]
Hey! There aren;t any lights down here! Going up and down stairs while drunk is hard enough, let alone in the dark!!
"Be thankful you're healthy." "Be bitter you're not going to stay that way."
"Be glad you're even alive." "Be furious you're going to die."
"Things could be much worse." "They could be one hell of a lot better."
[QUOTE=TonyMontana1638]No obsessions?! Well that means you've run OS and Chus off... Way to go Rav... [/QUOTE]
I'm not saying things can't be discussed, I mean I don't want them discussed to exhaustive detail like they were in the SF. That's not so unfair, I hope?
@Phreddie, as with the SF, I hope this place will hold it's share of intelligent discussions, but this doesn't mean that people should be forced to join in, nor should they feel obliged to keeep to a specific topic chosen by a previous poster.
I suppose, but it's gonna be tough containing the Queen discussions especially considering the fact that Mag has 'outlawed' them too .
*Begins to set up desk in his study*
"Be thankful you're healthy." "Be bitter you're not going to stay that way."
"Be glad you're even alive." "Be furious you're going to die."
"Things could be much worse." "They could be one hell of a lot better."
Aww, you brought my wine cellar over Tony. How thoughtful of you.
"You can do whatever you want to me." "Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?" "So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
[QUOTE=Magrus]Aww, you brought my wine cellar over Tony. How thoughtful of you. [/QUOTE]
Well naturally, you didn't think I'd just let it sit there did you ?
There was a problem however when Athena, DJV and the flying pony-thing Bounce tried to make off with it: fortunately they took all the empty bottles we had planted with the mines in them. They were all blown to bits, but apparently they've all regenerated now. Except Bounce. He's dead.
@ Fiona: Welcome! Yes of course, just let me finish unpacking the wine here and I'll go set up the bar.
"Be thankful you're healthy." "Be bitter you're not going to stay that way."
"Be glad you're even alive." "Be furious you're going to die."
"Things could be much worse." "They could be one hell of a lot better."
Just because the SF is dead and with it the Queen Museum of History and Freddie Mercury Memorial, doesn't mean Queen is dead.
*hauls in the Queen Museum of History and Freddie Mercury Memorial in a brand new, sparkling vault, complete with (empty) chamber for the piece of Brian May's hair*
Nope! *rushes down the stairs and grabs two bottles of wine before coming back up* Alrighty. Let's get this started huh?
Hey Fiona.
"You can do whatever you want to me." "Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?" "So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
[QUOTE=Magrus]Nope! *rushes down the stairs and grabs two bottles of wine before coming back up* Alrighty. Let's get this started huh?
Hey Fiona. [/QUOTE]
*Turns lights on over bar, begins polishing glasses*
We need to get the taps set up mag, can we borrow some kegs from the MJA until the shipment comes in?
OS! Welcome!
"Be thankful you're healthy." "Be bitter you're not going to stay that way."
"Be glad you're even alive." "Be furious you're going to die."
"Things could be much worse." "They could be one hell of a lot better."
*mutters* No forethought or preperation these days in youngin's. Oh, yeah, sure. *pulls the cork out of a bottle with his teeth and gets to drinking*
"You can do whatever you want to me." "Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?" "So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
That's right, I came in a claimed a space. Whatcha gonna do about it?!?:angel:[/QUOTE]
It's ok, my bedroom and study is dubbed "Miami Beach" as this sign says.
*Affixes gold plated sign outside of study*
Here, here Fiona! To many a drink and many a laugh!
*Takes a swig, passes to OS*
"Be thankful you're healthy." "Be bitter you're not going to stay that way."
"Be glad you're even alive." "Be furious you're going to die."
"Things could be much worse." "They could be one hell of a lot better."