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Freeing New-Shoes, Missing artifact-help!

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Freeing New-Shoes, Missing artifact-help!

Post by KaiSardone »

**SPOILER ALERT** Please dont read further if you dont want the quest possibly spoiled.
For Others looking to help out, Questions/concerns are at the bottom

The box upstairs in the guys shop where your supposed to get the Dwemer artifact to blackmail the guard is gone! i think i must have stolen it when i was in peligad before >< Is there any other way to get the item i need?
(and i dont remember where i sold it...i havt played the game in over a year ><)
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Post by ch85us2001 »

[QUOTE=KaiSardone]**SPOILER ALERT** Please dont read further if you dont want the quest possibly spoiled.
For Others looking to help out, Questions/concerns are at the bottom

The box upstairs in the guys shop where your supposed to get the Dwemer artifact to blackmail the guard is gone! i think i must have stolen it when i was in peligad before >< Is there any other way to get the item i need?
(and i dont remember where i sold it...i havt played the game in over a year ><)[/QUOTE]
The item you need is a Dwemer Coherer. I have saw some in Dwemer ruins, but I dont know if it can just be any old one or not.

Alternitavely, you could just use the console if you are on PC. :)
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Post by KaiSardone »

[QUOTE=ch85us2001]The item you need is a Dwemer Coherer. I have saw some in Dwemer ruins, but I dont know if it can just be any old one or not.

Alternitavely, you could just use the console if you are on PC. :) [/QUOTE]

console??o.o *has no idea what you mean*

and could anyone tell me where to find some ruins?@@
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Post by Siberys »

"well, they all are in very scary places...
i will write them in ranks from easy to harder (cuz its really hard to get there and even harder to get out alive, take some almisivi scrolls or divine scrolls = they take u to the nearest temple/fort)
-Dagon Fel, Sorkvild's Tower
-Arkngthand, Heaven's Gallery
-Nchuleftingth, Upper Levels
-Gnisis, Bethamez
-Galom Daeus, Observatory (dangerous)
-Endusal, Kagrenack's Study (dont even try here, u wont get past the first enemy)"

Quoted from a guy on

Hope that helps ya.
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Post by fable »

Coherers show up in quite a number of those relics, but you'd better have a good, sturdy character and a nice weapon; also some magic resistance would help, to deal with those ghostly dwarven sorc types.

I think I've seen a coherer or two used as decoration in some shops, but I can't be sure.
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Post by dragon wench »

[QUOTE=KaiSardone]console??o.o *has no idea what you mean*

and could anyone tell me where to find some ruins?@@[/QUOTE]

If you are on PC,
to bring up the console, press your shift key and the ~ simultaneously (to the left of the number 1).

When your console is open type in exactly:

'Player -> AddItem "misc_dwrv_artifact50" 1'

Then hit enter. Hit the ~ again to close the console. The coherer should now be in your inventory. This is not really cheating if the artifact is not where it is supposed to be, IMO.
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Post by Loredweller »

BTW, it's not necessary ever to steal - just buy it, it's on sales in the shop.

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Post by Siberys »

[QUOTE=Loredweller]BTW, it's not necessary ever to steal - just buy it, it's on sales in the shop.[/QUOTE]

If it wasn't in the box at the shop, then it's not likely that it'll be in the inventory of the shop anymore.

I've stolen from shop keepers and found it to be no longer in their inventory that you can buy.
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Post by Loredweller »

Well. if it's gone one or another way, it is gone indeed. However, there is hope the container just has become invisible (because of some bug most probably, it happens), so contents could still be showing in the merchant's inventory.

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Post by KaiSardone »

[QUOTE=dragon wench]If you are on PC,
to bring up the console, press your shift key and the ~ simultaneously (to the left of the number 1).

When your console is open type in exactly:

'Player -> AddItem "misc_dwrv_artifact50" 1'

Then hit enter. Hit the ~ again to close the console. The coherer should now be in your inventory. This is not really cheating if the artifact is not where it is supposed to be, IMO.[/QUOTE]

alright thanks everyone! i think i just managed to steal it when i firts wehn to pelgiad then sold it somwhere@@ since my svad game is so old since i played lol.
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Post by dragon wench »

[QUOTE=KaiSardone]i think i just managed to steal it when i firts wehn to pelgiad then sold it somwhere@@ since my svad game is so old since i played lol.[/QUOTE]

Hope you get it sorted out :)
If the chest was unlocked when you first looked at it (I mean, after you picked your game back up), then it is very likely you did steal it, since there is a lock that needs to be picked.

Word of advice, try to avoid (if possible) selling to any more than about two merchants, and make a note of whom you are selling to :D
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Post by Kais Shi »

Thought this might be helpful for future reference if you ever get in a situation like this again, but EVERY item in the game is listed in the construction set. Just push the little folder and select morrowind (and any expansions you are playing with.) Then write down the item id (is the teext farthest to the left) then press the ~ button (right under the esc key) and click on your character (mouse pointer appears when you click it and make sure you are in 3rd person view) then type exactly as it appears additem"(item id)"(number you want) It is cheating but I figure if after you have tried everything else why not?
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Post by KaiSardone »

thanks again to everyone. I was able to use the console and get the artifact. that sucker was heavy! O.O
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