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Am I missing something?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to any of the titles or expansions within Lionhead Studios' Fable series.
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Am I missing something?

Post by BallOfFire »

I don't like Fable. I heard for years about how it was going to be the greatest game of all time, and all along I warned my friends not to get their hopes up, since there was no way it could actually be as great as rumored. I was disappointed to find that I was right. I played it for several hours, completed the tedious training, dealt with innumerable crashes, and finally got to the real quests, only to find that they were even more boring than the training I had tried so hard to complete.

What am I missing? Does it get better later on? I really want to enjoy this game, especially since on paper it looks like exactly my type of game, and since I already spent actual money on this thing. Is something wrong with me? =(
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Post by dj_venom »

But each to his own. You buy a game, if it appeals to your taste, then you'll like it. If it doesn't, then you'll hate it.

The fact remains, it's all up to what you like, so if it's not what you like already, then chances are, it won't get better.
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Post by lonewolf13 »

[QUOTE=BallOfFire]What am I missing? Does it get better later on? I really want to enjoy this game, especially since on paper it looks like exactly my type of game, and since I already spent actual money on this thing. Is something wrong with me? =([/QUOTE]
The first part of Fable is a bit tedious and boring at times. If you had a hard time in the training levels, I'm guessing the whole fighting stlye of the game is different than you're used to.
I suggest you keep playing at least until the Twinblade quest. That's were the plot thickens, and you should be used to the different style by then. If you still hate it at that point, Fable just isn't for you.
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Post by undyingsamurai »

for me, the beauty in Fable lies in the way you can sculpt your hero from his childhood to maturity... how battles affect his appearance, and the skills you choose alter his fight style and frame. The storyline does leave a lot to be offered and the small game world too. What I also like is the freedom and stuff you can do in the game which havent been done in other titles. Give it some time, listen to the game world, become your own character and you just might enjoy it a little.
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Post by Master Hyden »

I have to say that while I did enjoy Fable quite a bit, I was highly dissapointed. I remember before the Xbox came out, there was a title called Project Ego that seemed to be the ideal Fantasy game. I waited a long time and eventually it became Fable. I always kept my eyes I open for Fable and when it came out I saw it had generally great to excellant reviews. But I didn't have an xbox untill recently and a crappy computer. But I finally got an xbox and the first game I gopt was Fable. To me the game was a shell of what was promised and generally "Childish". There are some adult themes but the whole design of the game really did not sit well with me. I was expecting something like Baldurs Gate: DA with unlimited customization. While, Fable does have many great features, I would call the game unfinished. I guess one could be optimistic and say look at all the things that they did have in the game. But I would say the things in the game not deep enough. The aging is impractical because no one else ages. The combat is really quite shallow as well. I guess I was expecting Fable to be the Action/RPG to end all Action/RPG's. But it really wasn't, it was just good.
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Post by Berethor »

fable has its flaws just like any other game.

I like how i can make my character whoever I want him to be, what i dont like is how barbers can't dye ur hair(i hate white hair).

Fable's graphics are amazing, though sometimes the scenery glitches for a second and goes flat, but goes away moments later.

I dont like how my character only says limited words like "yes" and "come on" and "hey" but i do like how that actually works on girls in the game(unfortunatley, not in real life)

every game has its flaws
I was expecting something like Baldurs Gate: DA
that game was good, but a little corny and it got boring quickly, kind of like the beginning chapters of fable.
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