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gentleman jim stacey *possible spoiler*

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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gentleman jim stacey *possible spoiler*

Post by shadoo13 »

im in the bal molagmer now and ive done the first quest and i went back to the book store and hes not there any body no why or where he is now or if ive just got a scratched disc and hes meant to really be there
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Post by Loredweller »

If you had done the last Jim's job and killed Hard-Heart (and. most important, reported it) Jim most probably had just retired himself and left for the mainland - leaving the Guild to your care (do you reacall something like such?) You won't see him any more. Do not finish the reguar thieves' questline, at least do not report about this (just avoid the topic even if you'd killed Hard Heart and, most probably, became the Chief of Fighters Guild until you had finished with Bal Molagers deeds.
If this is the case and you do have a save before reporting Hard-Heart's death, just roll back.
If you play on PC you'd use console
placeatpc stacey 1 1 1

...for tomorrow never comes ...
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