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feed the werewolf

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feed the werewolf

Post by ronboy »

i'd like to know how to feed on npc when you are a werewolf.i can kill them allright but do not know how to eat them is there maybe a change in the controls. :rolleyes:
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Post by Rookierookie »

You can't, and anyway if at any point in the game it actually showed one character (be it NPC or PC) eating another then the rating would surely have gone up by leaps and bounds.
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Post by fable »

In effect, you feed by simply killing. It's not like Bloodlines, you don't have to do anything in particular.
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Post by Greg. »

There are various 'Corpse Eating' Mods out there, but then it's only for the roleplay value...
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Post by SilverFire »


Korst Wind-Eye in the shaman's hut west of the Great Hall will not give me the quest becouse he sais i`m a follower of the beast, becouse i transform in a werewolf. How do i cure myself? How do i stop being a werewolf? :mad:
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Post by Loredweller »

If you hadn't turned into werewolf by now, try to cure Common Disease (better with potion, it's been noticed that the spell/temple sometimes didn't work). It's while you're just infected, not actually a werewolf.
If you already became a werewolf, try (in human form) look through chests around the fort, you might find a lead. If you wanted more spoilers, try this in side quests walkthrough section.

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