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2 Questions **Spoilers**

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2 Questions **Spoilers**

Post by Siberys »

Alrighty, been getting in good with the thieves guild, however I'm stuck on two quests.

1. first quest is with Sugar Lips. I went to get the key from the guy in the Council Club, the key to Nerano Manor that is, and his status with me is 100/100. I talked to him about the nerano manor, fully equipped with a few hundred gold for bribery, and he doesn't mention the key.

2. The second is a simpler one. I need to raid the mages guild and I don't have enough security. I am curious, what security (with master pick) would I probably need for a level 65 lock?
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Post by KaiSardone »

[QUOTE=Siberys]Alrighty, been getting in good with the thieves guild, however I'm stuck on two quests.

1. first quest is with Sugar Lips. I went to get the key from the guy in the Council Club, the key to Nerano Manor that is, and his status with me is 100/100. I talked to him about the nerano manor, fully equipped with a few hundred gold for bribery, and he doesn't mention the key.

2. The second is a simpler one. I need to raid the mages guild and I don't have enough security. I am curious, what security (with master pick) would I probably need for a level 65 lock?[/QUOTE]

1. You can always pickpocket the key to, which is of course harder however. i Think i bribed him and he gave me the key i honestly dont remember. maybe try asking him about every option he has availble and it'll popup?
And its the guy downstairs right? thats right there as you turn the corner, with the puffy sleeves?

2.Do you mean the quest for the Jewler guy in i think Ald'Rhun? Maybe try one of those Open spells on then door if you have it?(check your scrolls i think a few quest givers give you them to. which i never used so i still have mine) or perhaps make a potion? *skritches head* unforuntly i'm not sure about lvl to pick the lock. *sweatdrop* hopefully somone else will have an idea with that.
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Post by ch85us2001 »

I dont understand fully the security, but I picked it with a masters and security level 42. :)
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Post by Siberys »

I have a 38, so I can train it to 42 and see if that works.

The guy didn't say a thing, and I literally have NO sneak.
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Post by Loredweller »

1. You asked about manor, he hinted he could "tell more". Just immeditaely bribe him with 100 drakes and you should have the key in your pocket.
2. Enchant an item or get that splinter scroll. Main problem would be pass the one left to guard. Altogether you with some stealth you could pass him (he's at the entry, box with tanto is downstairs).

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Post by Siberys »

[QUOTE=Loredweller]1. You asked about manor, he hinted he could "tell more". Just immeditaely bribe him with 100 drakes and you should have the key in your pocket.[/QUOTE]

That's the thing, I DID ask about the Manor, and nothing came out of him...
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Post by dragon wench »

[QUOTE=Siberys]That's the thing, I DID ask about the Manor, and nothing came out of him...[/QUOTE]

You need to bribe him several times sometimes before he mentions anything...
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Post by Siberys »

I mean I never got the chance to bribe him, or do you mean the normal way? Just, go into "persuasion" and hit bribe.

Otherwise, I never got this oppurtunity.
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Post by virpyre »

1. There's 3 ways to do this one: 1st - Bribe him to 86/100 and he gives you the key, 2nd way is too just Beat the guy in the Manor with Hand-to-Hand and when he falls to the ground click on his body, take the ring, and leave don't kill him since you have a bounty if you do and you won't get your bonus prize from sugar lips, 3rd is to talk to the guy at Fort Moonmoth about his "Little Problem" he asks for a "Blood Bath" you just have to kill everyone there, only thing is you'll have a bounty then, but since you're a member of the thieves guild you can get rid of it pretty fast.
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Post by Siberys »

Umm, ok.

First idea- He's already at 100/100 as said before.

Second Idea- I have literally no Hand to hand. I'd lose in a heartbeat.
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Post by dragon wench »

[QUOTE=Siberys]I mean I never got the chance to bribe him, or do you mean the normal way? Just, go into "persuasion" and hit bribe.

Otherwise, I never got this oppurtunity.[/QUOTE]

I usually just go into persuasion and hit bribe..
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Post by Siberys »

Well, I thank you all for your time and I'll refer back to this thread, but for now, I'm workin with the East Empire Co and am loving the berserkers and wolves to just butcher. :D
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Post by Loredweller »

[QUOTE=virpyre]... 2nd way is too just Beat the guy in the Manor with Hand-to-Hand and when he falls to the ground click on his body, take the ring, and leave don't kill him ...[/QUOTE] Won't work with patched version on PC. Do not know about xbox for sure, altoghether it shouldn't work with GOTY either.
I always had his disp. 100 and then asked about manor, his answer included a hint that for a tip he "could tell more", after what i bribed him once more and got the key ("key of Nerano Manor has been added to your inventory").

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Post by Greg. »

What happens when you ask about 'Nerano Manor'?

Also, you could taunt him until he attacks you then take the key from his body...
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Post by Loredweller »

[QUOTE=GregtheSleeper]What happens when you ask about 'Nerano Manor'?

His response has a phrase "...i could tell you more...", next bribe (i gave 100 drakes) puts the key in your pocket.

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Post by Greg. »

[QUOTE=GregtheSleeper]What happens when you ask about 'Nerano Manor'?

Apologies - IIRC there are 2 topics 'Nerano Manor' and 'Ondres Nerano'... One works the other doesn't...
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Post by Siberys »

Guys, read this clearly.


The response I get is "Yes that's where I work" and nothing else. His status with me is 100/100.
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Post by Loredweller »

Check if the key isn't in your pocket already. And have you actually got the quest? (You should cover all topics with Suggar Lips about this, the name of this guy including)

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Post by dragon wench »

What I suggest is this..
Wait until asking about "Latest Rumours," while in Balmora informs you that Larius Varo at Fort Moonmoth wants to see you.. Go chat with him, and ask him about "work."

Completing Varo's quest will end up providing you with the key...
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