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Another Slave Question

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dragon wench
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Another Slave Question

Post by dragon wench »

Is it possible to buy slaves and basically set them free?

Will they wander around the same area in which you set them free (assuming that is possible)?

The reason I ask is that I want to populate the nice little guest cottages in the Mysthaven Manor mod... The whole place is just so empty. But, I don't want to buy slaves if I can't set them free.

btw, my apologies if this has been asked previously. My connection is cutting in and out on me *again* which makes searching difficult :rolleyes:
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Post by Loredweller »

There are 5 or 6 in TelAhrun you could buy and set free, i do not know another place. However, all slaves on my knowledge are gona as soon you leave and return to the area (the bracelets were to prevent them to use Magicka to get away, you know). You could leave them in their slave status perhaps, altogether i do not remeber if there was the "Travel together" (for "stay here") - i'd rather think that not.
I'd rather think about making some trivial NPC on companion NPC basis to lead them to that area an leave them there - or just put them there, probably even with PlaceAtPC. You could even try to do it on existing NPC, however they might double - i'd experienced it once when i tried to move Creeper to my house: i got a fresh copy, while the old exemplar was still in place in Caldera.

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Post by KaiSardone »

On the main page in the, i THINK house redoran quests it mentions when you build your manor you can have freed slaves live with you or somthing. might check that out. not positive it was redoran, was one of them though XP
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Post by Loredweller »

You need wives for your strongold guards, and there are two ways, one of them slave women bought in Tel Ahrun (you may do either way or even both). However, the women are available only if you have the quest, while those regular slaves are there all the way (if you hadn't bought them already), IIRC.
There is also one more female slave you need in the course of the MQ.

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