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Mark and Recall Spells-How do they work?

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Mark and Recall Spells-How do they work?

Post by KaiSardone »

Wish the morrowind section here was as comprehensive as the Baldurs stuff ><

but anyway, i'm trying to find out what EXACTLY Mark and recall do.
i've heard that mark marks a place you can warp back to. but if thats the case can you only mark one point? making it kinda usless?
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dragon wench
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Post by dragon wench »

Yes, you can only mark one place, and then you cast recall to warp back to it. It's not useless, especially when used in conjunction with almsivi or divine intervention.

For example, I use it a lot if I'm in a dungeon and I'm loaded with loot, but there is still more to find.

However, I play on PC so, through mods, I have other quick methods of travel available to me ;)
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Post by Trafficboytrent »

I wouldn't say that it is useless. Yes, you use the Mark Spell to mark One Place to warp back to. And you use the Recall to warp back there. What I like to do with it is you get yourself a home, (by killing the owners or find an empty one), then I mark that place and when I'm Overloaded with my loot. I just Recall back to my "home" and store stuff there or drop enough to be able to go sell the rest.

Also, if you are playing on a PC, you can download plugins that will let you mark many places. You would have to search for it on one of the plugin sites. If you play on Xbox, your S.O.L.
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dragon wench
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Post by dragon wench »

If you are on Xbox, one option, say you are in a dungeon you want to return to easily, is to mark the spot, then cast an intervention spell. Almsivi or divine intervention will warp you to the nearest temple, and they are usually in some kind of centre of civilisation, so from there you can make it back to wherever you plan to store/sell your loot. Once you are done, you can cast recall and you'll be back in the same dungeon.
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Post by KaiSardone »

hmmm alright thanks, appreciate it. now to fiond where i cna buy the spells XP
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dragon wench
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Post by dragon wench »

You can buy Mark, Recall and Almsivi Intervention at the Balmora Temple.
Divine Intervention can be bought at the Imperial Temple in Wolverine Hall in Sadrith Mora. (the easiest way to get to Wolverine Hall is via the Mage's guild fast travel system).
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