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Slaves on the Dren Plantation and one next to it. Question

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Slaves on the Dren Plantation and one next to it. Question

Post by KaiSardone »

Can the Slaves on the Dren plantation and the one right next to it(forgot name) be freed? they say cant be freed without a key.(which i've found usually means you just need to find a key)

However i have been unable to find one, if there is one. Same with a key for the Slaves past Suran across the bridge.

on a side note...anyone know where that blasted Egg mine E of suran is?(for Hlauu quest, cant find it ><)
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Post by ch85us2001 »

Yeah, theres a Dren key in
the shipping house, upstairs.
(<------ Highlight)

If you release the slaves, all the people there will attack you, so be prepared. :)
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Post by KaiSardone »

><, might not be good then since it seems most are Hlauu and i'm part of the house@@ cant i be sneaky about it? XD usually i release slaves in front of somone or somthing and they dont do a thing oO
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Post by ch85us2001 »

[QUOTE=KaiSardone]><, might not be good then since it seems most are Hlauu and i'm part of the house@@ cant i be sneaky about it? XD usually i release slaves in front of somone or somthing and they dont do a thing oO[/QUOTE]
I tried it today, and they all attacked me.

However, none of your crimes are reported at the Dren manor. Considering that
Killing Dren is part of a Hlaalu quest
I dont think it will do it.

My suggestion is to save right before you do it, then see if you get expelled. :)
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Post by KaiSardone »

lol alright thanks.
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Post by Rookierookie »

In any case since they are the aggressor, you are killing in rightful self-defense (no matter what the cause for their aggression is....)
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Post by KaiSardone »

yep they all went and attacked me XP. i just hope i found all the slaves to free o.o....and no one i killed was vital to the main story lol.

Can you free any of the slaves on that other plantation right next to the Dren one? or whatever it was.

on a side note: seems one of the farmers has a pet Guar XD *forgot name but rembers it was amusing*
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Post by Loredweller »

[QUOTE=ch85us2001]Yeah, theres a Dren key in
the shipping house, upstairs.
(<------ Highlight)
Hadn't know about this, only about two (IIRC, one for sure) in pockets of some people (again IIRC one indoors, one outdoors).
Well, and there's one rather special slave
you might have to escort for Ilmeni Dren
(<------ Highlight)

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Post by Loredweller »

Can you free any of the slaves on that other plantation right next to the Dren one? or whatever it was.
Had never got that good Conjuration to try it myself. However ,i had been told that if you was able to Command a slave to follow you to some place you had the slave key for, you could release him(her) there.
Always hoped to test it myself, but Command spell is one of the hardest - with those levels and so, and my chars have never been champion conjurers.

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Post by One man army »

[QUOTE=Loredweller]Had never got that good Conjuration to try it myself. However ,i had been told that if you was able to Command a slave to follow you to some place you had the slave key for, you could release him(her) there.
Always hoped to test it myself, but Command spell is one of the hardest - with those levels and so, and my chars have never been champion conjurers.[/QUOTE]

You can visit a shrine north of Suran to get a spell named command of the third corner i think. i commands humanoid 5-25 levels fore 30sec. you need to sacrifice a deardra hart to the statue. This is the second last temple quest but you can do it earlier.

The shrine is easiest reached with a levitate potion or spell.
the spell has 100% successes chance
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Post by KaiSardone »

on the Dren plantation there was one i was unable to free, he said he's to old or somthing...but i think he's part of another quest Oo.

On the plantation right next to the Dren one the slaves all say we cannot be freed without a key. i've looked all over but cant infd one there(wish you could pick the lock on slave bracers ><)

I figured it was possible to free them somehow because of them saying that. Usually i've found as i said its the ones who say theres no hope for me that you cant free. but the ones who mention keys you can.
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Post by Loredweller »

[QUOTE=One man army]You can visit a shrine north of Suran to get a spell named command of the third corner i think. i commands humanoid 5-25 levels fore 30sec. you need to sacrifice a deardra hart to the statue. This is the second last temple quest but you can do it earlier.

The shrine is easiest reached with a levitate potion or spell.
the spell has 100% successes chance[/QUOTE]
It's not the spell itself, it's how much costs to cast it succesfully. And then how many times it'd be going to be cast while dragging that slave to nearest place i had a key for... as soon as the spell wears out a NPC returns to his former business (good if just standing).

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Post by One man army »

[QUOTE=Loredweller]It's not the spell itself, it's how much costs to cast it succesfully. And then how many times it'd be going to be cast while dragging that slave to nearest place i had a key for... as soon as the spell wears out a NPC returns to his former business (good if just standing).[/QUOTE]

Doesn't most slaves just stand still?
I got Morrowind on Xbox.
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