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Effects of turning down gold

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Effects of turning down gold

Post by Craig234 »

Generally, it's hard to tell whether there's any hidden effect of turning down the gold for things.

For example, after completing the early bridge quest, the dialogue choices include demanding gold (and getting it), or not doing so.

How can I tell whether there's a benefit - other rewards, other plot directions, etc. - if you don't get the gold?

Minor spoiler:

Example where the benefit is clear is the Moonstone sword, where you can return it and get gold, or decline the gold and get the sword.

I'm wondering about ones where it's not clear, such as the bridge quest above, as far as you can tell there you get the gold, or lose it.

And it doesn't seem like the gold demand is just a factor of skills; I had my high cha bar and my low cha half orc do it, and both got the same.
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Post by mr_sir »

only way you can find out is by trial and error. or by reading a walkthrough
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Post by Kipi »

Okay, this is what I have noticed:
In those cases when you can get a item if you decline to take money, the item can be very useful for a moment. Usually this moment isn't that long, though, and the when you try to sell that item you wont get as much money as you would have if you had decided to take the money.
So, basically you have to choose between more money and item that can help you in next section but maybe not after that.
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Post by silverdragon72 »


I think you don't get any additional quests by denying / not demanding a reward...

...but you can get some good items - the moonblade isn't that bad if you use it right...-...and depending on the version you play you can get one of the best items in game in the wandering village this way...

...btw. you never get that much money that it is worth not going for the item if you could get one this way from my point of view... the walkthrough you can find at gamebanshee if you are unsure what to do!

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