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Post by thantor3 »

[QUOTE=Georgi]I saw Howl's Moving Castle a while back, really enjoyed it - I did think it all seemed to come to an end rather abruptly though. Christian Bale was a good choice for the voice of Howl. :D I didn't think it was as good as Spirited Away, though.

I saw Ghost in the Shell 2 on Wednesday, and was quite impressed with the animation, slightly less so with the fact that they were quoting philosophy throughout - I mean, ok, it's a philosophical movie but do you have to make it so obvious? I don't really remember the first one, since I watched it late at night at Ode's after overindulging in certain herbal entertainment :o but seeing the sequel does make me inclined to go back and watch it.[/QUOTE]

Hi Gi! I also saw Howl's Moving Castle, which I found disappointing. I thought the character development was rather uneven and the final 15 minutes felt like it slapped together to meet a deadline. I had to go online to get additional information so that I could figure out what had happened. And what is with the rather trite Hallmark ending?? One of the better pieces I have read about this film suggested that Miyazaki's focus in making movies is less on his audience or commercial success and more on what suits him personally. Certainly at his age and time of life he is entitled, but I am rather saddened that we will probably not see another film with the emotional range and narrative power of Nausicaa or Kiki or Spirited Away.

I highly suggest you go back and watch the first Ghost in the Shell. It is probably the DVD in my anime collection that I have played the most. Some pretty intriguing ideas...
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Post by Rookierookie »

For a number of years, I have been going to this site to follow the postings of John Oppliger, which I have always found to be thoughtful and informative. I thought I would share it with you. This is the 2005 archive, but at the top of the page is navigation so you can check out 2006 or previous years. Enjoy!
I clicked on the link to 2006, and the first thing that pops into view is "Is Anime Satanic?"

My faith in humanity just dropped another hundred notches.

In other news, I just finished watched Babe, My Love (Aish1teruze Beibe) on the local anime channel. It was not particularly outstanding, but there are no major flaws and in fact precious few minor flaws either, and I enjoyed it. Suitable for younger audiences as well.
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Post by thantor3 »

[QUOTE=Rookierookie]I clicked on the link to 2006, and the first thing that pops into view is "Is Anime Satanic?"

My faith in humanity just dropped another hundred notches.[/QUOTE]

There, there Rookie. :)

To paraphrase an old Zen saying, the Tao that is true Tao is scorned and ridiculed by the masses. If it were not so, it would not be the true Tao. The fact that people think anime is satanic could, if you think about it, confirm your faith in humanity. For one, it shows that anime has impact - that it has true narrative power to move people to think and feel. For another, the ignorance of people who think anime is satanic is rooted in fear. Yet despite this, we have many people who not only love anime, but some of whom spend their lives creating it and sharing it with the rest of us. Therefore, by the very fact that we are enjoying anime we are working to overcome this ignorance and this fear. The very fact that there is a community of people who enjoy anime is a reason to celebrate. Why waste time focusing on those who are lost in their projections of feaful universe?

Finally, as John points out, at least this person is willing to engage in a dialogue about it. That is far above the capacity of many people I encounter in my everday life.
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Post by Rookierookie »

True, they may get their heavenly rewards, but we get the fun :D
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Post by Rookierookie »

It's 2:40 in the morning, and I'm on episode 12 in my new-year Card Captor Sakura Marathon :D The earlier episodes aren't really to my tastes...IMO it's when Syaoran begins to go scarlet in front of Sakura that the story really picks up :laugh:

58 episodes and OVAs to go!
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Post by slade »

as for your ending....shinji decided to be alone :(
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Post by Rookierookie »

Evangelion manga?
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Post by slade »

[QUOTE=Rookierookie]Evangelion manga?
no the movie....End of Evangelion
is the manga ending different :confused:
Wondering how vampires live the life they live.....
seriously I dont know how they sleep during the day, I have a twitch everytime I hear a loud sound as I slumber, everytime ....Im just waiting to pounce on the poor mortal who creates a sound while I sleep in during the day. /rant
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Post by Rookierookie »

Not sure, haven't finished it.

But I thought The End of Evangelion ended with
Asuka next to Shinji
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Post by slade »

[QUOTE=Rookierookie]Not sure, haven't finished it.

But I thought The End of Evangelion ended with
Asuka next to Shinji
:confused: [/QUOTE]
the question is, is she the Asuka we know or just something that Shinji wanted to be a the end he just chokes her :confused:
Wondering how vampires live the life they live.....
seriously I dont know how they sleep during the day, I have a twitch everytime I hear a loud sound as I slumber, everytime ....Im just waiting to pounce on the poor mortal who creates a sound while I sleep in during the day. /rant
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Post by Rookierookie »

I thought he released her in the end =.= Which is why I preferred the old ending, easier to understand
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Post by slade »

I thought he released her in the end =.= Which is why I preferred the old ending, easier to understand
you mean the one in the series....I havent seen that one in a very long time...
what exactly is different in that one...I know its a total mind trip :confused:
Wondering how vampires live the life they live.....
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Post by Rookierookie »

I'm not sure if anyone other than the original creators knew, but it seemed to end on a happier note for Shinji. Not that I care what happens to him, since he's my least favourite anime main character.
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Post by slade »

[QUOTE=Rookierookie]I'm not sure if anyone other than the original creators knew, but it seemed to end on a happier note for Shinji. Not that I care what happens to him, since he's my least favourite anime main character.[/QUOTE]
Everyone seems to hate him....understandable though...but I think because he actually represents our valnurable side of the human emotions or thought. He's undecisive, he doesnt know what he wants...and he conforms if everyone likes him better for that....well everyone has that part inside them...its the part that you may hate yourself for because it makes you feel one likes a character especially the main character to be weak...especially if he pilots something that is strong and represents strenght no one wants a character that reminds them of how weak one really can be....thats IMO ;)
Wondering how vampires live the life they live.....
seriously I dont know how they sleep during the day, I have a twitch everytime I hear a loud sound as I slumber, everytime ....Im just waiting to pounce on the poor mortal who creates a sound while I sleep in during the day. /rant
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Post by Rookierookie »

I can understand weak, but Shinji goes way past below-average and reaches the point of bastardom. It goes to the point that whenever anyone tries to bring Shinji away from his pessimist attitude, I get the feeling that "Hey, let him be, that boy has the right idea about himself" because he is just as weak as he thinks he is.
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Post by slade »

[QUOTE=Rookierookie]because he is just as weak as he thinks he is.[/QUOTE]
exactly....sometimes we're only as <insert attribute> as we think we are....whether its good or have to remember everyone elses attitudes dont contribute to much either....asuka has a psychological problem and therefore acts like shes always offense ladies......Rei..well rei's not even she show litttle emotion...more logic than emotion...the Father just wants to fill in his own desires...but at the same time never felt like he was good enough to recieve shinji's love..and therefore never gave him the attention he needed.Mesato, well she's the only one that can really help him.....but its hard when she's got her own problems.....shinji only pilots Eva because with out it he doesnt exist....... ;)
Wondering how vampires live the life they live.....
seriously I dont know how they sleep during the day, I have a twitch everytime I hear a loud sound as I slumber, everytime ....Im just waiting to pounce on the poor mortal who creates a sound while I sleep in during the day. /rant
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Post by Rookierookie »

After spending several nearly sleepless nights (and getting myself shouted at by mom in the process) I finally finished off the 70 episodes of Card Captor Sakura as well as the OVA :cool: Skipped the first OVA though because it was pretty redunant after you've finished the entire series :mad:

In fact I prefered the last 20 episodes or so, where Syaoran begins to seriously notice Sakura. The last several episodes didn't end too naturally, which is something of a disappointment, since they obviously had enough episodes to end the series comfortably, and had no reason to rush. The manga's ending was far more natural, but then as they had a somewhat different storyline the comparison may not be totally appropriate.

Didn't watch the first OVA, so I won't comment, but I quite enjoyed the second one. Not that it's anything particularly deep, but as with the series, you shouldn't be watching it expecting profoundness in the first place. It's supposed to end happy and in the process make the viewer happy, and it does that spectacularly. It will never actually get into my list of top movies or animes, but it does get into my list of favourite ones. For someone who has finished the series (DO NOT WATCH IF YOU HAVE NOT) and enjoyed it there is no reason not to watch the 2nd OVA as well because it brings the story to a (mostly satisfactory) completion.

AS for comparisons to Digimon and Pokemon, I think it's unfair to CCS. While there is no doubt that CCS is also targeted towards the younger audience, its target is somewhat higher than that of Pokemon and Digimon, and touches upon issues with Digimon and Pokemon skimp over, such as BL and in fact even normal love. More importantly is that Clamp did not make CCS a never-ending story - it had a storyline, and it has an ending, although the viewer is always welcome to imagine a future for Sakura, as one of the members of Clamp said. Digimon and Pokemon, in contrast, refuse to die for no reason save that the producers want to make money. When ever one series of Digimon finally die another one is born, with no difference between them except for the characters. Pokemon just goes on and on and on, with no end in sight because the producers probably didn't even envision one for them. The bottom line is, no matter how much you may dislike CCS, there is no doubt that it is a far more mature and complete story than Digimon or Pokemon.

Next on my list will be Rozen Maiden.
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Post by Rookierookie »

Bought the Gunslinger Girl manga (5 volumes) at ~$20 USD. It's excellent, and I liked it even better than the anime, which is saying something as I had watched the anime first. I particularly enjoyed the greater coverage it gave to Triela and the other girls, since I felt that the anime focused a little too much on Henrietta (and I like Triela).
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Post by Rookierookie »

Been reading a manga called Magister Negi Magi/Mahou Sensei Negima. It's not something I'd really call good, but I enjoyed it, getting a fairly good laugh from it. I guess most of the male population here would want to be the main character :D

There is also an anime by the same name (the latter name, I believe). I haven't watched it myself, but my classmate did and he told me that it is not as good as the manga.

The manga is currently on the 12th volume, while the 26-episode anime has already finished airing. Good luck finding it in the western hemisphere though...
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Post by Rookierookie »

Well, I'm afraid, I, uh, didn't watch Rozen Maiden. Instead I went to watch Fate/Stay Night, an anime adopted from an H-game. (Don't worry, it's even more normal than your average "normal" anime - episode 8 and still no swimsuits! Can you imagine that?)

I'm very impressed. Even the people who have played the game agree that it is fairly good, if less powerful (? :laugh: ) than the original, and for someone who hasn't played the game, I have no criticisms to make. The story is surprisingly easy to understand, despite never having played the game, although those among us who have never played RPGs (not likely) might find it confusing.

It has one of the best character designs in any anime I've ever seen, and over here it is recognized as the best anime coming out in January.
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