Decent Druid PC's, well, that depends on what books you have access to.
Otherwise, here's some tips for simple druid.
Don't waste any summon nature's ally unless it's level 3, 6, or 9. The reason is, is because at that time you have access to three of them at once. 3 becomes 3, 2, or 1, meaning you can have some of 2 or a bunch of 1, 6 can have some of 5 or a bunch of 4, etc...
Now, also, pick a decent animal to wild shape, and write all the necessary stat's down. If your low on strength, go with an Ape and go dire ape later. If your low on dexterity, high on strength, go wolf, and go dire wolf later.
You're animal companion should be the same too. Ape or Wolf are your two best options, as you can give it armor, and your wolf has the scent, which is useful when tracking someone.
After 12 levels of druid, never take the class again. Get the wild shape plant ability, then don't worry about transforming into an elemental, trust me, it's not worth it with how messed up Polymorph (wild shape equivelant) is.
Then, when your out of druid, go 8 levels of your favored class, or if your favored class is "any" then go ranger all the way. Your favored class is bound to help in some way.
If your a halfling, having sneak attack as a bear is nice.
Human, having combat abilities and such with ranger levels is nice.
Orc, rage would be good too.
Elf, if your an elf, even the wizard class is good as it can get you buff's.
If you're any other race than those 4 for druid, just take druid to the max. Otherwise, those'd be your best bets.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
[QUOTE=Siberys]After 12 levels of druid, never take the class again. Get the wild shape plant ability, then don't worry about transforming into an elemental, trust me, it's not worth it with how messed up Polymorph (wild shape equivelant) is.[/QUOTE]
well. The Player Handbook says: "In addition to the normal effects of Wild Shape, the druid gains all the Elemental's extraordinary, supernatural and spell-like abilities. She also gains the Elemental's feats for as long as she mantains the wild shape..."
Even with this it's not worthy continue with the Druid Class?
No, because ability scores are key in the transformation.
See, polymorph doesn't give you more of a score, it gives you what the standard monster's score is. Thus if an elemental has a strength of 25, and you're that high level, you can get a strength of that too. You don't get a bonus, you get THAT 25 and that's it. With the fact that as an elemental you physically couldn't wear things like Guantlets of Ogre Power, means you can't get really anymore than that 25.
The reason why Dire ape or wolf is good at the beginning levels is because they do have the chance that give you a decent bonus on ability scores. However, it's also obviously useless later on in the career.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
There is a powerful way to be a druid, trust me. You've got a small spellcasting class, now I strongly advise going into a seperate casting class or a pure fighting class.
Your druid can be good that way.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
my all time favorite is rogue/sorcerer. I dont have much magic, but what I have I use to the ultimate. (so its a game long gone, so what) use your magic up to its usefull limit and then get another class to complement it. or the other way around
If something can go wrong, it will go wrong
Always prepare for the worst
Never let experience guide you: every day is different
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
its a pity the druid in my players group does,nt post in this forum as he knows every trick and power play there is to the point where i dont even bother argueing any more , :laugh:
[HTML]its a pity the druid in my players group does,nt post in this forum as he knows every trick and power play there is to the point where i dont even bother argueing any more [/HTML]
Yeah, I get slightly annoyed with those players too . But you just gotta be sneakier than them. Introduce things they haven't seen before.
[QUOTE=melancolly]its a pity the druid in my players group does,nt post in this forum as he knows every trick and power play there is to the point where i dont even bother argueing any more[/QUOTE]
Melancolly, can you give me his e-mail or something? So I can talk to him.
Alrighty, your best bet is to stick with a Abjurer Wizard, or a Transmuter. Get the buffs for your wild shape, and make sure you have the feat, natural spell, which lets you cast while in wild shape.
Your hitpoints are less, but that doesn't matter, I promise. With the con bonuses from a transmutation and some abjuration spells, you'll be insanely powerful. Take Wizard (abjurer or transmuter, your choice) at 12th level, because Druid is worthless beyond 12th level.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
Go a full fledge 12 levels of druid, and then levels 13-X (however high you go) go for wizard all the way.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
Nope, nope. Alter self is the most worthless spell in most of DND. There might be others, but in terms of changing shape and such, worthless.
Wild shape huge MIGHT be a consideration, as I think "Dire" ape or wolf are both large. However, if you can maintain it with a basic wolf, gain the scent or some strength and be able to wear armor as an animal, then your good to go.
If you go any other class then wizard, then you'll get an XP Penalty of 20%, unless the DM doesn't care for that rule as well. In any case, wizard is a decent class to multiclass with Druid.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
Ability score increases- Intelligence all the way.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged