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I need an athletics boost

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I need an athletics boost

Post by MasterMasaki »

It's just that, my old saved game became curupted the other day and I find that my new character is WAY TO SLOW
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Post by Siberys »


"Where are the Boots of Blinding Speed?

The Boots can be found on the NPC Pemenie. Take the road North out of Caldera. At the first cross roads, take the right road. Follow this until you come to another signpost. Keep heading west-ish, the road will turn and you'll see Pemenie on the left side of the road. She gives you the Boots as a reward for escorting her to Gnaar Mok but you can kill her outright."
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Post by Loredweller »

[QUOTE=MasterMasaki]It's just that, my old saved game became curupted the other day and I find that my new character is WAY TO SLOW[/QUOTE]
IMHO Athletics is important for the part of lost Fatique, not speed. Speed Attribute is what you need (Boots of Blinding Speed boosts exactly that, not Athletics). Be aware that wiht those boots you should hhave to find a way to counter 100% Blind. If you were a Breton, it'd work only by half, of course. (However, the matters with BoBS have been discussed so much and so often that it'd be no problem for find right topics and i would have nothing new to add)

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Post by Siberys »

There's a way around the blindness to the boots.

Just turn your gamma up 100% and you can see just fine.
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Post by Loredweller »

[QUOTE=Siberys]There's a way around the blindness to the boots.

Just turn your gamma up 100% and you can see just fine.[/QUOTE]
Isn't it just too cheezy?

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Post by Siberys »

:D yeah...
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
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Post by Coot »

[QUOTE=MasterMasaki]It's just that, my old saved game became curupted the other day and I find that my new character is WAY TO SLOW[/QUOTE]MM, if your save game is really corrupted maybe improving your speed won't solve much; you might experience other problems as well. How did your game get corrupted?
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Post by fable »

If you're using a PC, type ~ to bring up the console. Then enter:

player->SetAthletics 50

Or whatever value you prefer up through 100, and hit enter. Type ~ again to close the console. That should give you the boost you desire. Note, you have to include the "player->" part.
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