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Annoying things in fable

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to any of the titles or expansions within Lionhead Studios' Fable series.
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Post by Sir_Greyhawk »

I hate it when your an archer and you do escort quests... You will have to move back to avoid being hit and they will run forward allmost trying to get hit by moving infront of it at the last second... I think the fishing system is crap aswell. You have a full screen to put a bar as big as you like, and they put a little crappy one in the top right hand corner.
And may I suggest that if your fans are annoying you that much during bar gambling games, you could allways turn the volume down, or kill them....
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Post by BL4DE »

I am pure Archer (not even ONE point Physique or ANY spell). Escort missions are really anoying to archers.

Try to shoot at enemies you're unable to shoot at automatically using the zoom. You can hit enemies without them having the red mark. The arrow is flying without ballistics (If you have no Flame Augmention installed at your bow)
Have your bow upgraded. 3 Augmentions are crucial. Lightning, Sharpening and Piercing. I recommend you at least 2 sharpening installed. That way a Master Longbow nearly reaches the power of Skorms Bow.
Try to evaluate the hitpoints of your enemies.
Take out the most healthiest enemies first.
Try NOT to charge your bow to full strenght every time.
Try going backwards and to one side after. Your protectneeding puppies will follow you and end up standing beside you.
Do NOT use Multiarrow.
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Post by statuskuo »

when you rescue the kid from the hobbe cave as well as the other quest where you rescue the chief's son, they talk to you with a baby like voice but they cheer with a grown up voice, and this alternates while you escort them
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Post by raidenruler »

what annoys me is that on the cover there is an evil person that people say that you can look like but i don't know how (the guy staring at the kid on the cover and smiling)
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Post by Audiomaster4565 »

the_limey wrote:Finally, am I the only one who has noticed a slightly (dare I say it?) Hitlerian undercurrent to the game? To my knowledge there are only three black people in the game- Whisper, Thunder and the Temple of Avo bodyguard. Add to this the change in appearence of a perfectly good character- blond hair and blue eyes? Ring any bells?
Well in snow spire i have noticed the few occasional black people my wife in that town is black and the tattooist in my game is black. so i guess the more.. outlandish i guess is how you would say it is were the diff races lie
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Post by Daemonyk »

I'm very new here, so be kind with me if my comments are elementary - please. I have noticed many, many things that seem out of place and although for the moment Fable tlc is my favorite game - it IS only a game.

I am currently on my 3rd trip through the game and was suprised to find that on this trip, most of the ladies in Knothole Glade are dark skinned (perhaps they are Jamacian) :)

One "Force Push" can get you a divorce! LOL

Finally - I can hit the volume control (or ESC) faster than anyone can say "you are so norty"
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