Has anyone figured out how to fix the bug with the Shadow Ruins? I left before finishing the task and now I can't get back in. Has anyone gotten around this?
I have seen several warnings about trying to change your position inside buildings (bad things happen) but if you want to try it here is a program http://www.indominae.com/files/dlcharedit14.zip and here are the coordinates for inside the shadow ruins X 18531 Y 50295 Z 18435 . I would make a second copy of the save you want to edit before editing. Good luck and report back if it works.... or not. D
Thought I saw something about having to start over again after installing 1.4. Have already done that once because of stupidity on my part do not wish to do it again. At the moment have all saves, saved in a backup file but did I see right, would the saves not work?
Thanks for any info