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Declining attributes due to enemy spells?

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Declining attributes due to enemy spells?

Post by Maximalovr »

How do I get rid of these damned dropping attributes? More spells are being cast constantly and I have no idea how to restore my attributes. Help needed plz. Oh, and where can I get the cures?
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Post by Rookierookie »

Find a temple or imperial shrine.
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Post by Maximalovr »

Ok, I know that now. But what exactly am I looking for? What do I buy?
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Post by fable »

If you want a potion, then you can either make it (assuming your Alchemy skill is high enough), or go to an alchemist in a Mages' Guild. Look for a RESTORE ABC, where ABC is the attribute in red that's been lowered.

You can also purchase spells like this. In the long run, that's a better buy than buying the potions, because they're a one-time expense.
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Post by Maximalovr »

Thanks guys :)
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Post by Loredweller »

There is a book "The Consolations of Prayer" more or less explainig what which Temple shrine do, I do not know if there's any like about Imperial Temple shrines abilities, but at least for curing part they are equal - save names, of course, and there is only one kind of standard altar.
As for me i just early in game use to make two enchanted rings (on basis on Expensive ring and Common Gem) : Restore Spirit (Restore 20 Int,. Will., Pers. and Luck for 20 each on cast) and other equal Restore Body for Strength, Agility, Sped and Endurance. It's quite enough for me for most of occasions. (An Expensive Ring holds 15 enchant points, and 4xRestore Attribute by 20pt on Self take 14). IIRC both rings costed me less than 10K.

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