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The Remaining 5

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The Remaining 5

Post by Mr_No_Name »

Okay my last story wen't a little overboard, so here is a better, original, one.

It is called 'The Remaining 5' a story about Earths last hope for survival in the hands of the remaining 5 descendants of a powerful kingdom.

Setting:Modern days

Genre: Fantasy/adventure/slightly comedic

Jon-The last warrior
Ethan-The last mage
Brian-The last theif
Angelica-The last archer
Warren-The last assasin
Damon-The bad guy
Knots-Bad guy's henchman

It is up to them to stop the evil Damons plan to recieve the
'Gun of Melleniums', a weapon so powerful with a single bullet it can take down a hundred soldiers.

Lets begin Chapter one

Jon-Warren no!!!

Warren the assasin was about to take out an unsuspecting enemy but was shot in the back by an archer of Damon, and was taken to the darkness of the field. Jon wept but only inside due to the many deadites surrounding him and kept slashing away at them with his Sword of Twain, leaving half bodies dumped around him. As soon as he was clear he made a run towards Ethan, Brian, and Angelica.

Ethan-Where's Warren?

Jon-He was slain.


Jon-There was nothing I could do.

Brian-He was my brother....

Oops, sorry, that probably didn't make much sense.
Here let me start back, way back. To where it all started

900 years ago
King Etheliew the first warrior was in his throne room with his fellow warriors
Lady Bryna the first archer,
Sir Kindle the first mage,
Hoss the first assasin, and
Knight Freedmont the first theif.

They stood there with their weapons ready, awaiting the attack of
Lord Bartholomew.
BANG! BANG! Went the doors. CRASH!
A fleet of Bartholomews deadites broke through the barracades

King Etheliew-No matter what we will fight to the end.

The battle lasted for three days, but the warriors were defeated, but their legacy lasted for 900 years until they came back.

chapter 2 coming soon.
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Chapter 2: The book

900 years later

The sun creeped over the east horizon giving off a faint pinkish-yellowish fade onto the village of Morrowtown, home of the Remaining five.

A close in on 1623 Baldur street you find Jon's house.He has short black hair and is a typical thirteen year old boy, you know hating his parents, over confident, and more junk.
He streached his arms up high as he woke up for school. Jon got ready for school, said goodbye and walked to the corner where he was greeted by his friend Ethan. Ethan has brown bushy hair, slight sense of intellect, and takes advantage of opportunities.

Ethan-hows it goin?

Jon-Good, hows it goin for you?

Ethan-Well i forgot to do my math homework, and we have a test on it today.

Jon-Well that sucks.

Ethan-yeah i know, can you help me?

Jon-I didn't do it either.

Ethan-Oh, well... bus is here

The bus pulled up on its stop. Ethan and Jon got in and sat down together across form their friends Warren and his younger brother Brian. Warren has short blonde hair and is always keen on what his brother is doing. Brian has short red hair and asks alot of questions.

Ethan-hey Warren can you help us? we didn't do our homework.

He hands them his homework.

Jon-thanks, you're a life saver.

As Jon and Ethan copy Warrens homework, putting their own special marks to make it look like they didn't copy it.

The bus stopped and a few kids including Angelica walked in. Angelica, or Angie as her friends call her, has long brown hair and likes the easy life, but will hit you if you tick her off.

Angelica-Hey boys hows it goin?

All four-Nuthin much.

Angelica-Well could you all show a little more enthusiasm?


Angelica- *chuckles* okay fine, WET WILLY!

Brian- Erk! stop it!

Jon-C'mon Angie stop, he was just foolin' around.

Ethan + Warren- yeah.

she sat down. The bus soon came to a stop at the school. They got in and walked to the school library.

Ethan- Come on, we need a book for our group report.

Brian-Can I come?

Warren- when is your next class.

Brian- In fifteen minutes.

Jon-He has enough time, come on!

Brian- :D

They walked through the book isles searching for a good book.

Ethan-Hey look at this!

He said pulling out a book with weird inscriptions on it.

Angelica-What does it say?

Ethan-Do you think i know?

Warren-Open it!

He opened the book to find plain enghlish letters on it, but not real words, well not real to them.

Brian-WTF is this?

Ethan- i dunno.
He said stashing it into his book bag.

Warren-Why'd you do that?

Ethan-I have a translator at home, i'll de-code it there, it just looks so cool.

Jon-okay, but we still have to find a book in (he glances at his watch) five minutes.

They find 'catcher in the rye' and go to their classes. School soon finishes and they return home.

********Ch. 3 soon!************
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Chapter 3:Secrets of the book.

Ethan was in his bedroom with his new book, a computer and a scanner.

Ethan- Okay, now scan.
he said as he pushed a button on his scanner. The cover of the mysterious book appeared on his screen. He highlighted the markings and set it to 'Translate to English' he clicked 'Translate' and it said, Language not found Ethan thought about it and then
BOOM!. his computer broke down and sent a short array of smoke from the screen.

Ethan-Oh CRAP! good thing i'm the only one home.

He took the book from the scanner without looking at it and put it in his bookbag once more and rushed out the door to Jon's house.

'KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK' The door opened and Jon was there in the doorway.

Ethan- Hey Jon you wont believe this.


Ethan- I tried to translate the book and my computer exploded.


Ethan- yeah, wierd isn't it?

Jon-did anything come up about the markings?

Ethan-No, it just said 'Language not Found' and then Boom!

Jon-Lemme see it.

He handed Jon the book

Jon-Woah, wait a minute. its in english now.

Ethan-What? gimme it
He snatched the book from Jon.

Ethan-I didn't notice that when i put it away.

Jon-Come inside, i'll call Warren and Angelica.
Ethan stepped inside and sat down with the book as Jon wen't to his phone.

Ethan-Hmm lets see the inside.
He opened the book to see it in English also.

Ethan-Um whats this 'Pyrouptia'?
FWOOSH! The fire place set ablaze suddenley with no logs in it.

Jon came rushing into the room and looked at Ethan then the Fireplace, then at Ethan again.

Jon-Whaddya do?

Ethan-Nothing i just said something written in the book and then, fwoosh!

Jon-Wait here.
He ran back to the kitchen then back in with a fire extinguisher and put out the fire.

Jon-Say it again.

Ethan- Pyrouptia!
FWOOSH! The fire place was set aflame once again.

Jon-Damn! Give me that book.
He took the book and read where it said the incantation

Jon-'Pyrouptia- sets nearest flame accustomadation ablaze' It's a spellbook!

Ethan-You screwing with me.
Jon glanced at the book again, and pointed to the fireplce.

nothing happened.

Ethan took the book from him, and pointed to the fireplace.

a small cloud appeared over the fireplace and extinguised the flame.

Ethan- Christ, it is a spell book.

Jon-And only you can activate it!


Jon went to open the door.

Angelica-I left as soon as you called.

Jon-Where's Warren?

Angelica-When I passed his house he told me he was waiting for Brian.

Jon-Why is his little brother coming?


Jon- oh.... hey look there's Warren and Brian!

Warren-Whaddya wan't? I was just about to win at Halo 2!

Brian-:sneer: you were doing horribly, and you asked me to finish of the giant robo-spider.

Warren-Shut it! :p unches Brian:

Jon-off eachother already, come inside.:They walked in: Watch what the book can do.

Brian-You mean that wierd book with the nonsense words? :looks at it: Hey it makes sense!am I the only one nuts here?

Warren-No, I can read it too!

Angelica-Same here.

Jon-Ethan do it!

Ethan-okay, Pyroptoia!

Warren, Angelica, and Brian- Wow!

Angelica- How'd ya do that, i mean thats insane!

Ethan-It's a friggen spell book!

Warren- Why does it make sense now.

Ethan- I just tried to Translate it with my computer and clicked 'Translate to English' and then my computer exploded.

Brian-It exploded!?!

Warren- Maybe when you pressed translate the entire book changed.

Jon-could be.

Angelica-Try another spell!

*******Ch.4 soon!*****************

oh and some feed back please? i wanna hear what you think
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Chapter 4: Damon

Ethan-okay how bout this one, 'puts victim into hypnotic transe for one sun movement' what does that mean?

Angelica-Maybe it means for an hour, you know like how you tell time on a sun dial?

Ethan-well i'll try it; Jon where's your dog?

Jon-You're not gonna do anything Douglas!

Warren-Let him do it, i mean all it is is a hypnotism spell.

Jon- Fine, but if anything bad happens to Doug then it'l be your throat!

Ethan-Great! :whistles: here Doug!

Douglas the dog came in and hopped into the couch next to Ethan.
He pointed to Douglas and said...

Ethan-Transo Hyneaus!
His voice echoed a little this time, like he's getting used to it. Douglas was suddenly struck with posture and sat there staring into space.

Ethan-Okay now speak nerd!

Douglas-The circumference of 12 divided by 84534 times 0 plus 900 minus 1000 plus 100 equals 0.

Brian-Holy Fu...
He was cut off by Warren

Warren-Shut it, or i'll tell mum!


Ethan-:thought:Hmm i can have fun with:unthought: :mischief:
Okay now mess around with Angelica!

wispered Ethan to Douglas. then Douglas started to bark at Angelica menacingly, then acted really nice to her, and as soon as she started to scracth himbehingd his ears "HARF!". douglas snapped at her.

Angelica-Damnit Ethan make him stop or so help me god!

Ethan(After laughing hard)- okay Douglas stop, go back to normal.

and with that the dog stopped and walked away.

Thwack!Angelica had hit Ethan in the head with the remote for the television, hard.

Angelica-Thats what you get, you punk!

Ethan- OW! that hurt! i'll get you for this! :p oints at angelica:Transo Hyneaus!
She was stricken with the same expression as Doug had.

Jon-Don't do it!

Warren-C'mon Jon lighten up, this'l be fun.

Jon- no it won't! when she wakes from that trance she'l go medievil on your arse!

Brian-Not if he lies to her, say that as soon as he cast it he uncasted it.

Jon-Your brother has a point, let'er have it!

Ethan- Okay you shall do what i have asked you to do many times!

Jon-Dude your sick!

Warren-Brian close your eyes!

Jon-I can't believe you'll take advantage of her like that!

Soon angelica started to pick her nose and lick her fingers


Jon- I know!

Ethan-Heh Heh, this is fun.

*****************On the other side of town****************

At 0666 natas lane you see a shady looking house on a shady street with dead trees and grey vines covering the blocks and houses.

A crow sits on a broken lamp post, kawing ever so menacingly. Gothics are smoking by a broken down herse with a corpse still in it.($#!%! this place sucks!)

The scene focuses in on the house and you see a dark haired, pale teen in his basement, sitting in a red armchair, like a throne.

Damon-Knots! come at once!
a stubby person walks in from another room, slouching and heavy breath.

Knots-Yes sir?

Damon-Report on the prophecy!

Knots-Sir, yes sir. The book of Herieth has been located, its only a matter of time before the summon themselves to the Legends Clan! What shall we do about them? Send an assasin?


Knots-Nothing, sir?

Damon-Do I have to repeat myself! I said nothing and thats that.

Knots-But why?

Damon-I like myself a challenge.

Knots-:smirks: I see. When shall I summon the army for later, we will need as much as we can.

Damon-It will be taken care of, but I do ask of you for a favor.

Knots-Yes sir?

Damon- since I killed my parents after enslaving them, i'll need you to pick something up for me.

Knots-What sir?

Damon- The piece.

Knots-The piece to what?

Damon- The last one.

Knots-Wha.. Oh! That piece.

Damon-Then get it!

Knots-consider it done!
He scampered out of the room to retreive the piece.

Damon-Soon I will have ultimate power, soon the remaining five will be dead, soon the Gun of Melleniums will be mine! Bwahahahaha!
(Ok that brain thing is a little stupid, EDIT!)
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Chapter 5:Time Frozen, Hell is open

Ethan-Okay, back to normal.
Angelica was licking her fingers when she got back her personality.

Angelica-Sending that dog after me like tha... uh what just happened?

Jon-Ethan got P.Oed and hypnotized you.

Ethan-But only for a second.

Angelica- it better have been a second! Hey wait! Why do I taste snots?

Warren-Maybe you have the sniffles and have taste mixed up with smell.

Angelica- I don't think so. I didn't have sniffles before, ETHAN!

Brian-You are in deep doo doo!

Ethan-Yeah, I know. :(

Angelica-Oh no, you have no idea how deep you're in.

Angelica started thrashing at Ethan, throwing him a few feet, and continued beating him up.

Ethan-Garrr! STOP!
His last word echoed like an elephant shouting in a dense cave.
The thrashing stopped, and so did every thing else. Angelica knelt there still, like she was frozen. He looked up and saw a table clock falling at him.
He flinched but it wast falling. It was frozen in the air. It was frozen in time. He looked around and saw Jon, Warren, and Brian standing still in poses. He got up and stood infront of the trio.

his voice echoed, not like before, but like an endless void.

Ethan-Are you okay? Jon, Warren, Brian. :looks behind: Angie? :eek: I've frozen time. I'VE FROZEN TIME! Holy christ wagons. Okay lets see, how do I put time into moti... Arg!

Ethan clenched his stomach, feeling weaker with pain by the second.

Ethan-Ugh, feels like i'm, grr, wasting away. Uh, lets see. Um, GO?

All of a second he heard the sound of glass breaking and he was relieved of his pain. He turned around to see Angelica fall flat on her face, nearly missing a jarred piece of table clock.

Angelica-Eep! Ethan what did you just do?

Jon-Woah, Ethan where'd you just come from?


Warren-Holiesto crape'!

Ethan-Um... I stopped time?

Brian-wow! nice hex.

Angelica-How'd you do it without an incantation?

Ethan-Well, while you were attacking me I yelled STO...

Jon-WHAT THE HECK! You broke the Table Clock!

Ethan-Oh, forgot about that. :flips through book: Aha! Mendo!

A wierd backwards breaking sound came and the table clock was repaired.

Jon-You SOB! It could've been like that forever!

Warren-It's okay Jon, it's fixed.

Jon-but what if there wasn't a fixing charm, huh? My parents would've killed me!

Ethan-I'm sorry dude.

Angelica-No, don't be sorry if I didn't attack you in the first place it wouldn't of been broken.


Brian-Well this is getting pretty boring.

Warren-Boring? We just found a real spell book and Ethan can stop time! How can you be bored?

Brian-dunno, but when I get hungry I get bored.

Jon-You know, i'm kinda hungry too.

Angelica-Me three.

Ethan-Me four.

Warren-I guess a little snack wont hurt, hey Ethan, got any food spells in there?

Ethan-:looks through book again: nothing.

Warren-Okay then, lets chip in and order take out.

Ethan-Hey wait! There is a money ritual in here.

Jon-shiz, really?

Angelica-tell us it.

Ethan- okay, we need one teaspoon of cottonseed per dollar, a green candle, a silver knife, and some live rabbits fur.

Brian-Why do we need rabbits fur?

Jon-maybe its because rabbits multiply so fast. you know to make multiple amounts of money.

Warren-Jon, shut up.

Jon-you shut up!

Angelica- no seroiusly shut up, its a stupid idea.

Jon-fine! Ethan do we need anything else?

Ethan-only a motar and pestle.

Brian-Ooh! we have cotton seed at our house!

Warren-Thats right. oh and Angie don't you have a pet rabbit?

Angelica-It died last week.

Jon-you didn't tell us?

Angelica-It wasn't anything important, does it have to be alive?


Jon-Well lets get to work.

*************Back to Damons pad**********************************************

Damon is sitting in his throneish chair drumming his nails.

Damon-Where is that bumbleing fool, knots.

in the distance a heavy but hurried breath approached and the small man soon appeared.

Knots-Here it is sir, the last piece to the ultimate key.

Damon-Finally, it took you long enough! Lemme see it.

Knots-Yes sir, yes. I hoped you'd like it.

Damon-You bet your arse! now follow me to the room.

Knots-Yes sir.

Damon led him through a hall, up the stairs to the living room where there laid a gruesome site.

Damon-hello mother, hello father.

There, in the middle of the floor was Damons parents, dead. It is so horrible the site, that I am sorry that i cant describe it to you as its too disgusting for the youngins.
Damon reached into his once was fathers pocket and pulled out a key.
He brought it to a piano and shoved the key into a keyhole hidden in the framework. The piano shoved aside and opened to a new room witha ceiling lamp hanging over a table with a nearly finished sphere, red in color.

Damon-Finally, the key to the underworld will be finished!
he placed the jagged piece of red glass into it.

Knots-is it finished sir?

Damon- yes, yes it is, now to open it.
He took the red ball and whispered something into it then he threw his arm back and SMASH!


FWOOSH! A crater opened up on the wall where Damon threw the sphere. It started to suck in wind, like a portal.

Damon-Follow, Knots, and stay close, dont want the deadites to grab you.

************************Chapter 6 soon!***************************************
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Chapter 6: Damon's Deal

New thing, I'm giving names to chapters now
The heat of the underworld broke sweat on Damon and Knots's faces as they stepped through the portal. They looked around and saw miles upon miles of burning wasteland, and burning souls. Sounds came from all directions as a group of deadites approached the duo.

Damon-Back! Back, ye minions of the lord. I have come for the high and mighty ruler of this place.

The deadites looked to one another, then kept walking twords them.

Damon-Fine then, have it the hard way.

He pulled out a short katana with satonic inscriptions on the blade and the handle made out of flesh and bone. damon took his katana and charged at the closes deadite. SLASH! The deadite fell to it's knees, fell foreward, and lay there limp. Once again the deadites looked at eachother and kept charging.

Damon-Hm, time for fun.

He swung high and low spraying blood all over the place killing many deadites.
Soon there werew no more left in view to kill, but that didn't mean that there were none left.They started walking towards a castle like domain in the distance.

Knots-Sir, why are we here?

Damon-An army.

Knots-The devils army?How will you retreive them from him.

Damon-He'll hand them over to me.

Knots-Are you insane?

SWISH! Damon swung the blade at Knots, but stopped a centimeter before his throat.


Damon-Am I insane Knots, am I?


Damon-Then why do you call me so!

Knots-It was an accident, i was wondering how the devil would just give you his army!

Damon retreived his blade back to himself.

Damon-We have a pact.

Knots-A pact?

Damon-yes, a pact. I have made a deal with him that if I sell my and your soul to him, he would let me lead his army.


Damon-is there a problem with that?

Knots catching Damon's stare had only one thing to say.


Damon-Good! Ah, we've made it. Satans castle.

Knots-Lets get in quick, i'm afraid those deadites will come back.

They walked in and saw in the middle of the room, horns, enormous body, stench and all.the damned demon himself.

Satan-Damon? What the heaven do you want?

Damon-Our pact?

Satan-Pact? Oh that pact. I've decided to make a few changes to it.


Satan-Yes. I've decided that i'll keep your souls and i'll keep my army.

Damon-We had a DEAL!

Satan-What are you going to do about it?

Damon unsheathed his short katana and looked the devil square in the eyes.


He charged at Satan with incredible speed.THWANG! He sliced off one of Satans horns.

Satan-Ah! How did you... The Katana!

Damen- yes you remember it don't you? My father got it from you when you tried to reap his soul and weakened you with it, and you fled, like a bug. A small, disgusting, slimy, pitful bug!

Satan-You creep! Bring it on.

He got up from his throne and grabbed a club from one of his soldiers.

Damon-With pleasure.

Knots-Sir, what are you doing?

Damon-Claiming what is rightfuly mine.

Satan swung the club at Damon, but was blocked by the katana. Damon Pushed the club aside and, SWINCE! Struck the blade through the demons heart.

Satan-Graaaargh! Ack! You'll be damned by your opponent and sent to here to have you tortured for an eternity! I swear it!.

SWING! he struck the blade through the devils head.He turned to the devils army of mighty deadites, atleast a million of them.

Damon-You see!You master slain by a mere mortal, follow me and I will lead you to victory agains the Remaining 5!

The deadites knelt before their new master.

Damon-Come Knots, here is our new domain.

Knots-What do we do now.

Damon-Wait for the Remaining 5 to be ready, and then, we strike.

********************Back to Jon's house***********************

Jon-Okay we have cotton seed, a green candle, a sliver knife, a motar and pestle, and rabbits fur.

Brian-Now what?

Ethan-I'll perform the ritual and then we have cash!

Angelica-Woo! Finally no jobs for cash is great.

Ethan-Lets see it takes about 3 three days to make.

Angelica-not great.

Warren-Three days?

Ethan-you expect such an amazing ritual to take five minutes?


Jon-I'm starting to get bored, is there any more spells that sound interesting?

Ethan-lets see. :flips throug book but accidentually drops it and it lands on the cover: oops dropped.
huh? what's this? :looks at the back cover: a spell?

Brian-On the back of the book?

Angelica-Does it describe it?

Ethan-No, but i'll try it.

Jon-Better no, you don't know what it does.

Brian-Whats the worst that can happen?

Warren-It could kill us all! Ethan don't...


SHWISH! All of a sudden the group of five were lifted up their feet and darkness swirled around them.

Jon-Ack! What's happening?

They felt as though they were being shoved through a small pipe, they couldn't breath.
POP! They were relieved of pressure and could breath again. The darkness left and they fell in a heap on the floor.

Angelica-Where are we?

Warren-I don't know.

Mysterious voice 1- What the... they're here! they are here! Clan General the Remaining Five are here!

Mysterious voice 2-They are? Finally.

Jon- Who's talking?

Mysterious voice 2- There they are.

Angelica-Who's the 'Remaining 5'?

Warren-If I could take a guess, it might be us.

Mysterious voice 2- Parimedics! Take them to the hospital floor, stat!.

They were picked up by a few men and carried away in hampers. They passed out.

Damn that was pimping, of and check out chapter 2 for new character descriptions!
Ch.7 soon!
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Post by Mr_No_Name »

please people post critique! I wanna hear what you think of the series!

I just wan't to know what to improve on, and I you have any Ideas, post 'em here!
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Chapter 7:The Legends Clan

Just for an experiment i'll try writing it like a book now, not a play
The scene starts with a hospital room. Jon starts to open his eyes,"Arg, wha, where am I?", he stated as he sat up.
"You are where legends are born..." said a voice from next to Jon.
"Huh?" said Jon. "But in your case, where they continue."
"Who are you?"
"I am the Clan General, Arthromious," said the man. This 'Clan General' was tall and had white hair, and was wearing the most peculiar clothes,"but you can call me General."
"Er, General, where am I?" asked Jon.
"Why the Legends Clan of coarse!"
"The what clan?"
"Legends Clan," He moved his head towards Jon,"Where you will find out who you really are."
"Where are my friends?" questioned Jon
"Look around." Jon peeked around his shoulder and saw the rest of his friends laying in beds, sleeping.
"How'd we get here?"
"You are a very curious boy aren't you? You teleported of coarse!"
"Tele... The book! The spell!" Jon exclaimed.
"Yes your friend the mage has found the Book of Herieth."
"Mage? You mean he's a spell caster?"
"Well he casts spells doesn't he?" said the General, getting slightly annoyed. jon got out of his bed.
"Is it all righ if I wake them?" asked Jon.
"You may." The General left. Jon stepped over to Ethans bed and pushed his shoulder. "Ethan, wake up!"

"Ten more minutes, i'm dreaming about Angeli...." His eyes opened wide and sat up quickly, "Where are we?"
"Apparently you teleported us to a place called the Legends Clan." replied Jon.
"Where?" asked Ethan again.

"The legends Clan, apparently." replied Jon again.
"What's that?"
"I dunno."
"How long have you been up?"
" 'bout five minutes"
"What about Angelica, Warren, and Brian?"
"Should we wake them?"
"Well the Clan General said I could."
"The who?"
"Clan General, I'm assuming that that he's the leader of this place"
"Well lets go wake them up." Ethan got up and woke them receiving various expressions from them.

"So we're in a place called the 'Legends Clan', there is a general, and we teleported here?"Repeated Angelica.

"Pretty much." said Jon.
"Way cool!"exclaimed Brian
"Not really, what will our parents think when they realize we're gone?" pondered Warren.

okay, screw the story mode, i'm going back to play mode.

Ethan-Thats true. We have to get back home."

General-Not to worry, a letter has been sent to all four houses and you parents will be comforted.

Brian-Who the heck are you?

General-Well, it seems all you children are questionable. I am the General.

Warren-Why are we here?

General-To train!

Angelica-Train? what for, the olympics?

General-The greatest battle the world has ever seen.

Jon-I don't believe you.

General-Believe what you must, but if all of you don't help, everyone, including your parents, will perish.

Jon-What are you going to do with our parents? :mad:

General-Nothing, but without you, someone else will hurt them.


General-Let me start to where it began,
Your ancestors from 900 years ago were the first, and greatest, warriors of all time. But then the devils follower wanted to take control of the Earth.To do that he had to defeat your ancestors. so he sent a horde of deadites to attack them. There was many battles but the last one had defeated the warriors, and the devils follower. Now, The devils follower's heir, named 'Damon' has the same plans. We have recieved word recently that he has gained control of a horde of deadites by slaying the devil, and is waiting for you to finish training for the battle.

Brian-Ancestors? Then what does that make us.

General-If you mean your titles, then you are known in the prophecy as,
Jon the last warrior,
Ethan the last mage,
Angelica the last archer,
Warren the last assasin,
and Brian the last theif.]






General-Yes, thats who you are. Now tomorrow you start training.

Brian-Training? you mean I get to learn Theiving!

General-Yes, and there is the annual bi-monthly field competition, where you battle using your battle techniques. Each house chooses two of their best students to duke it out in the arena.


General- yes, you are put into four different classes.The Mana house, The Strength house, The Ranged house, and the Stealth house. So that means,
Jon goes to the northeast Strength tower represented by a flexing arm,
Ethan goes to the northwest Mana tower represented by a glowing hand,
Angelica goes to the southeast Ranged tower represented by an arrow,
and Brian and Warren go to the southwest Stealth tower represented by a knife.

Brian-Cool! do we get class colors?


General-actually yes, young Brian, Strength is red, Mana is blue, Ranged is green, and Stealth is black.


Angelica-So we get school uniforms, or what?

General-They will be found in your dorms, will you need an escort?
All four-Yes!
Chapter 8 coming soon. the next four chapters will tell each of their training experiencesuntil the field challenge
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Post by Mr_No_Name »

Chapter 8 part 1:The Strength house

Make it 2 half chapters per person (Warren & Brian count as one person)
The General called In a student with a red and orange robe-ish uniform and a short brown haircut, and told him to lead Jon to the Strength house.

student-this way master Jon.

Jon-Do you have to call me master?

student-according to your status I thought it'd be rude not to.

Jon-you can just call me Jon. And you are?

student-Kenneth, but you can call me Kenny.

Jon-Okay Kenny, nice to meet you.

Kenny-an honor for me!

Jon-you know you don't have to treat me like royalty, just treat me like normal.

Kenny-sounds like a good deal, Strength hall is on the right, c'mon.

He followed Kenny through a humongous hall with pictures of musclar warriors holding heavy swords, until they reached a giant double-door with iron pull handles.

Kenny-Here it is your home from now on.

Jon-wow. :eek:

It was enormous, the ceiling was four stories up and the interior was crimson red. each other floor was like a balcony with golden rails. There were students in uniforms on the other levels and on the first floor was a giant fireplace with a long red sofa infront of it with a few students on it. There were students at a table playing a card game, and a cellar door in the near left corner.

Kenny-your room is on the second floor.

He led Jon up a small flight of stairs to the second floor which reminded him of a very fancy hotel.

Kenny-Room A19, you're bunking with me and my friends Donnie,and Benjamin.

Jon-cool room!

It too had crimson red interior with four beds with rad and orange sheets.
On one of the beds lied a kid with black hair and a small mohawk,the bed post said 'Benjamin'. On another bed lied a kid with blonde hair reading a book. It had to be Donnie.
Donnie looked up from his book and said.

Don-Hey,who's the new guy?

Kenny-This is Jon, the last warrior.

Benjamin suddenly gave notice to Jon.


Kenny-The General don't lie.

Don-I bet its a fluke, you're the third one that's been brought in saying he was the last warrior.

Jon-I never knew this place existed or that I was the last warrior. My friend Ethan accidentally teleported us here with a book called 'The Book of Herieth'.

Ben-you're kidding!

Jon-you all know everything about us?

Kenny-you guys are in the history books, and the prophecy! we learned everything that needs to be known about you guys.


Don-Really, oh and there's your bed and things.

Jon walked over to a bed marked 'Jon' and on it he saw his own uniform, and a sword.

Jon-I get a sword?
He picked it up, seeing it was slightly heavy.

Kenny-Thats what we learn here. You can go to the garden to practice if you want to right now.

Jon-you bet! :D

Kenny-Just go down the stairs and out the glass door and talk to the instructer, Bob.

sorry its a little short, Ch. 8 part 2 coming soon!
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Chapter 8 part 2

Jon took the school uniform off his new bed and went into the bedroom to try it out. He put it on and looked at himself in the mirror.

Jon-Hmm. Lookin nice!

He walked back to the dorm room and grabbed his longsword, seing it slightly heavy.

Kenny-Good luck.


He sped out the room and down the flight of stairs. He looked around and saw a door leading to the outside. He walked to it and opened it, recieving some sunlight on his face. It was beautiful. There was seemingly endless amounts of field in front of him. On his left was a medium sized pond with some of the younger students trying to catch some fish.Also, there was a peninsula-like place over in the distance where students in blue and white uniforms were shooting fire from their hands, with books slightly like Ethans.
To his right there were students in green shooting with crossbows and bows ot sacks of flour hanging from a tree.
Infront of him in a distance were some students in red with an instructer, hitting a large tree stump with their longswords. That had to be Bob over there. He ran over to the man.

Jon-excuse me? My name's Jon, I'm new here.

Bob-Huh? Oh you must of been one of those kids I saw appear in the Graduation Foyer! welcome to the Legends Clan, I'm Bob, your instructer.

Jon-Great. When do I begin?

Bob-Why not now? Here, swing at this tree stump.

He readied his sword and swung it like a baseball bat. CHWUNK! The blade got a good 3 inches in.

Bob-Good, but try pivoting your wrists like this for mor power. And use your hips.


He readied his sword again and swung, throwing his hips and wrists foreward,
CHWUNK! The blade went in way more this time. About half way through the stump, or 11 inches.

Bob-Much better, much better. Try it a few times more to get the hang of it.

Jon swung at it nearly twenty-eight times, geting inches from 9 to even 23!

Bob-You're doing great! :looks at his watch: woah! look at the time! you need to get to bed!

Jon- aw! please! a few more!

Bob-No. bed time is bed time!

Jon walked away, his arms slightly throbbing.

Okay, i'm getting kinda lazy. Update later!
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