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Where have all the kwama foragers gone?

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Where have all the kwama foragers gone?

Post by shana »

I realize that Morrowind is supposed to get harder as you level up, BUT why are the grazelands being taken over by Golden Saints instead of nice kf's and rats??
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Post by Bloodstalker »

Because the enemies that appear are tied to your level. Or, alternatly, the rats and kf's are getting sick and tired of being killed off so they've contracted with the Golden Saints to take care of their little hero infestation problem. :D
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Post by Rookierookie »

I won't feel too sad if the rats and foragers were replaced with Golden Saints...after all, there is something to be gained from fighting golden saints.
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Post by Coot »

My pc is around lvl 30 now, but rats and cliff racers are still there. Along with the golden saints and ogrim. Are enemies tied to your level or to your abilities? I'm playing a thief without serious combat skills, could that be the reason I'm still tripping over mudcrabs?
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Post by fable »

Some enemies are tied to an area. Others, mostly random encounters, are tied to your PC's level.
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Post by Magelord648 »

My PC is level 32 and there are tons of rats & KFs out there. I prefer golden saints because they drop decent stuff. Cliff racers are the worst though. they're everywhere. That might be because I fly everywhere just like them.
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Post by Greg. »

[QUOTE=fable]Some enemies are tied to an area. Others, mostly random encounters, are tied to your PC's level.[/QUOTE]

However some species are more predominant in different areas than others - like kwama foragers are often found around egg mines - more than elsewhere...
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