When you are a dark jedi consular/sith lord you will have to fight the jedi masters. Now my game has a few glitches in it, because when i fight with sentinels or guardians, kreia reminds me of the weak points of every jedi master. Well when i'm fighting, she doesn't tell me anything of the forms the jedi masters use or what the weak spots are.
Could you please give me
or a site with all the conversations so i can check what she should say
or a summary of the conversation you and kreia have, while fighting that jedi master
I know it's a bit of a weird question but i'd really like to know
Force Forms
as far as i know, the fighting the jedi masters and learning their forms in the process is for any ds character, not just ds consulor/sith lords. during the fight, you will learn the form the master used. everything kreia says during that fight is pretty much repeated if you ask her later about the forms you have learnt.