Christ, I need help
Christ, I need help
So I've been playing Fallout 2 straight for about 3 weeks now and I'm now level 24, about to make the trip to the Enclave oil rig and I've run into a bit of a problem. I was exploring the Military Base with all the mutants in it which I think it meant to be the remnants of the Master's base from Fallout 1.
Anyway, the point is that while I was exploring this base I mysteriously lost Goris, the deathclaw from Vault 13 and I have no idea at all where he's gone. This wouldn't be such a huge problem apart from the fact that he had both my G.E.C.K. and the NavComp part for the tanker computer on him. Is there any way I can somehow code these back into the game so that I can at least get to the Enclave and finish the game without having to reload to my previous save slot which is literally something like 12 hours back?
I've heard there is an alternate method of getting to the oil rig and to be honest that's all I'm really bothered about at this point as nothing else can stand up to the weapons/team I have no put together.
Anyway, the point is that while I was exploring this base I mysteriously lost Goris, the deathclaw from Vault 13 and I have no idea at all where he's gone. This wouldn't be such a huge problem apart from the fact that he had both my G.E.C.K. and the NavComp part for the tanker computer on him. Is there any way I can somehow code these back into the game so that I can at least get to the Enclave and finish the game without having to reload to my previous save slot which is literally something like 12 hours back?
I've heard there is an alternate method of getting to the oil rig and to be honest that's all I'm really bothered about at this point as nothing else can stand up to the weapons/team I have no put together.
Nope, I didn't do anything and there was no warning that he was going to leave. All I remember is fighting the crazy mutant who thinks he's a magician in the basement of the place where the vats were in Fallout and Goris was wounded so he started running. When the battle finished he was nowhere to be seen and no, before somebody suggests it, he was not killed in the battle. I'm positive of this for a number of reasons.
I'm playing the game unpatched. Any help on coding Goris or really just the items back into the game would be much appreciated.
I'm playing the game unpatched. Any help on coding Goris or really just the items back into the game would be much appreciated.
...if you talk with the Brotherhood of Steel guy in San Francisco and do the vertibird plan quest for him, he'll get the tanker ready for you without having to bother with the NavCom, FOB, or fuel *if* you have an IN of 3 or less. Take a couple of Mentats and wait until they wear off to temporarliy lower your IN. If your IN is still high you'll have to take a couple of more doses and wait for *those* to wear off. (And now that your IN is 1 and skills are lower, you might be able to gain a few more ranks by bookreading.)
And don't worry about losing the GECK. There's a second one at the Enclave.
...if you talk with the Brotherhood of Steel guy in San Francisco and do the vertibird plan quest for him, he'll get the tanker ready for you without having to bother with the NavCom, FOB, or fuel *if* you have an IN of 3 or less. Take a couple of Mentats and wait until they wear off to temporarliy lower your IN. If your IN is still high you'll have to take a couple of more doses and wait for *those* to wear off. (And now that your IN is 1 and skills are lower, you might be able to gain a few more ranks by bookreading.)
And don't worry about losing the GECK. There's a second one at the Enclave.
The guy dissapears after some time, or when you leave the map. You can see what happens to him by going to basement of BOS building and going to computer in north-west corner. talk to computer and tell him to show u what happened to that guy.
Anyway, about Goris, i just got idea - did u try starting combat when u lost him? because when combat starts, you know goris takes off his robes and that needs few seconds to happen. Well, start combat and see if the stop watch shows up and something happening. Also you might try looking for him by entering combat, then targeting - he should be outlined green(or yellow if shot is blocked).
I hope you understood what you said, because i hardly understand what i wrote
I cant explain better
Anyway, about Goris, i just got idea - did u try starting combat when u lost him? because when combat starts, you know goris takes off his robes and that needs few seconds to happen. Well, start combat and see if the stop watch shows up and something happening. Also you might try looking for him by entering combat, then targeting - he should be outlined green(or yellow if shot is blocked).
I hope you understood what you said, because i hardly understand what i wrote
I cant explain better
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- anthonyisgood
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hey sorry if this is off topic but i just started playing and i'm in the very first room in the Temple of Trials and i just cant get that door open! it's driving me NUTS
i'm searching all over the net like crazy looking for patches, and reading every walkthrough and guide that i can find they all say to get the explosives from the pot in the room or simply pick the lock.
i've looked over that room for at least an hour and i can't find any items whatsoever! and i tried picking the lock several times but nothing happens!~!
please if anyone has ran into this issue before post a response to this, and thanks in advance for any advice you can offer me.
i'm searching all over the net like crazy looking for patches, and reading every walkthrough and guide that i can find they all say to get the explosives from the pot in the room or simply pick the lock.
i've looked over that room for at least an hour and i can't find any items whatsoever! and i tried picking the lock several times but nothing happens!~!
please if anyone has ran into this issue before post a response to this, and thanks in advance for any advice you can offer me.
now that sounds strange. Firstly, I'll ask ya if the very first room you mean is the first door you find inside the temple, or if it is the first door which allows you to change area. If it is the first door you find inside the temple, I don't know how to help you. I guess you should try patching, or even reinstalling the game (do this after creating a new character and trying again.) Now, if it is the first door which allows you to change area, you have to lockpick it (hold the right button on the door, choose the 'face option', and push lockpick button. Or you can just press 2 on you keyboard (it's a shortcut). you should be able to unlock the door even if you have -100% of lockpicking skills.
"Feel my wrath!"
- Zeratul
- Zeratul
Although I dont think its a bug, you should patch a game.
Now about doors:
when u enter Temple of trials, the first door u see can be opened by just clicking on them. In the next room, doors must be lockpicked. You can lockpick them by pressing "S" and then choosing lockpick. The third door, which looks different than other two must be destroyed with plastic explosive. You can find it in pot, near big hole in floor.
Now about doors:
when u enter Temple of trials, the first door u see can be opened by just clicking on them. In the next room, doors must be lockpicked. You can lockpick them by pressing "S" and then choosing lockpick. The third door, which looks different than other two must be destroyed with plastic explosive. You can find it in pot, near big hole in floor.
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Welcome to Anthonyisgood
You are in the room with the chasm right? Near the chasm, on the road you came from, there is a pot. Search the pot, then get the explosives that are inside the pot. Then walk close to the door, arm the explosives by "using" then, then drop the explosives. They will explode, and you can then enter the door trough the big hole in the middle of it.
You are in the room with the chasm right? Near the chasm, on the road you came from, there is a pot. Search the pot, then get the explosives that are inside the pot. Then walk close to the door, arm the explosives by "using" then, then drop the explosives. They will explode, and you can then enter the door trough the big hole in the middle of it.
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- anthonyisgood
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i'm refering the the first door inside the temple. i started the game entered the temple killed the two giant ants then i'm stuck, i tried new characters, i just reinstalled it and i'm having the same difficulty i also tried right clicking the door nothing happened and i tried your shortcuts "s" and "2". thanks a lot for the help guys but this might be a lost cause

- Woozaii
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Okay listen up.
Outside of battle, There are two different cursors in the game: The move cursor, and the interact cursor. The move cursor is a red polygon, and when you left click it, your character will run to the point where you clicked. The interact cursor looks much like an ordinary desktop cursor, except it is more brown/sienna coloured.
When you move the interact cursor over something, a brief description will usually appear in your message box.
Sometimes if you click on something with the interact cursor, your character will interact with it (Talk to people, open chests, open doors, etc.,etc.). You switch between cursors by right-clicking.
When you have defeated the two giant ants, right click so you get the interact cursor out (looks like a normal cursor) then left click on the door, and your character will run over to it, do the interact animation, and then the door will open. Then right click again to get the move cursor (looks like a red polygon) and click on the other side of the door, to move trough it.
Repeat with all other doors in the game.
Outside of battle, There are two different cursors in the game: The move cursor, and the interact cursor. The move cursor is a red polygon, and when you left click it, your character will run to the point where you clicked. The interact cursor looks much like an ordinary desktop cursor, except it is more brown/sienna coloured.
When you move the interact cursor over something, a brief description will usually appear in your message box.
Sometimes if you click on something with the interact cursor, your character will interact with it (Talk to people, open chests, open doors, etc.,etc.). You switch between cursors by right-clicking.
When you have defeated the two giant ants, right click so you get the interact cursor out (looks like a normal cursor) then left click on the door, and your character will run over to it, do the interact animation, and then the door will open. Then right click again to get the move cursor (looks like a red polygon) and click on the other side of the door, to move trough it.
Repeat with all other doors in the game.
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Payback isnt.
- anthonyisgood
- Posts: 3
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i am able to click the lockpick option on the door and it even shows the animation of my character picking the lock but it just doesn't open. another thing is in the dialog box after the animation is shown nothing is output. when i do other things like science etc. it says things like "you failed to learn anything" so i know that the box is working. i am certain that if it shows the animation it must be accepting my click as a lockpick right? but i don't know why nothing is output in the box, should there be?
about the right click idea i am on a mac computer, although i have used right click in games and other full screen applications before and it has never failed on me with this game i see no change in anything when i right click. i will try to get a hold of another usb mouse and let you know if that works however i doubt it.
probably my last idea could someone who is willing to do this PM me please. would it even be possible to make an account to my character specifications and beat the game up until right after that door and send me the save game so i can try it from after where i am stuck?
about the right click idea i am on a mac computer, although i have used right click in games and other full screen applications before and it has never failed on me with this game i see no change in anything when i right click. i will try to get a hold of another usb mouse and let you know if that works however i doubt it.
probably my last idea could someone who is willing to do this PM me please. would it even be possible to make an account to my character specifications and beat the game up until right after that door and send me the save game so i can try it from after where i am stuck?