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Homlet Traders (Spoilers)

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Troika Games' Temple of Elemental Evil.
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Eragon the Just
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Homlet Traders (Spoilers)

Post by Eragon the Just »

Hi, i was just wondering if anyone can help me with a slight quandry i'm having with the game to do with those two evil traders in Homlet.

I've completed the quests that reveal they are working as spys for the Temple, and being a good aligned party, with a Paladin as leader, I expected to be able to wipe their evil buts from the face of the planet! However the game seems to give me no option to do this, unless i'm missing something.

After refusing their puny attempt at a bribe (+1 shortsword indeed!) I traveled back to see Burne but am given no option to even inform him of the situation, same with the Cuthburt mob. So in the end i simply attacked and killed them, a tough fight but well worth the xp and loot.

Now however i'm worried that I may have ruined some later quest that might involve them. Luckily I have a save just before i attacked them, so can anyone tell me (without spoiling any of the later parts of the game) whether im free to do this, or does my paladin have to turn a blind eye, and perform much pennance for letting the evil scum continue to opperate :(
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

Spoilers (highlight to read):

There may be differences if you play one of the new mods like liv's or something. I'm not sure if she's done anything with Rannos and Gremag or not.

However, in the standard version of the game, there is one event, not a quest really, that happens only if you let them live a little while.

Don't read on if you don't want to know about it.

Basically, if you kill Lareth in the moathouse and sell any of his gear to the traders (I recommend his boots, as they're pretty worthless), they'll send an assassin after you. You'll be ambushed on the road at some point in the near future. Kill the assassin for a bit of XP and a couple decent items. Then, you can go kill R and G as you've done.

But that's all you're missing, unmodded anyway.
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(Use the lastest 1.3 build - it's still beta, but stable and far better than 1.2)
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Eragon the Just
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Post by Eragon the Just »

Thanks Lord Plothos. I'm currently playing with the latest co8 mod, but I think i'll take the risk and kill them after the assasination attempt.
Letting them live just dosn't sit right with me :angel:
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Post by Allyx »

Don't forget to buy the house in Nulb, and visit it every now and again ;)
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Eragon the Just
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Post by Eragon the Just »

Well after a much more interesting fight, in which the evil scum attempted to use all of the means at their disposal to escape, I managed to kill that fat tub of lard Rannos. However Gremag the Weasel managed to escape, vowing vengence for his fallen partner in crime (and possible lover!? :rolleyes: )

This irked me somewhat at the time, but seeing as I considered Rannos to be the, if somewhat miniscule, brains behind their nefarious opperation, I was satisfied that I had put an end to their evil scheming. And so I travelled onward to the Temple.

After many hours of fierce combat, I managed to clear the first level of the dungeon, and decided to return to my newly purchased house in Nulb, looking foward to putting my feet up and warming my bones beside the fire (and hammering out some of the dents left in my plate by that pesky Ogre Chief :mad: ) Boy was i in for a shock! :eek:

For it seemed we had some uninvited guests for dinner and it appeaared they intended to make me and mine the main course!

And so instead of kicking back, relaxing and supping some of the Braumaster's finest for a while, my weary band of heroes found themselves once again fighting for their very lives! Thank the Gods I saved that Fireball scroll, or that snake Gremag might just of been tasting the sweet revenge he had so desperatley sought!

Ahh the life of the noble Paladin......sometimes i think it might of been easier to buy that pig farm and settle down like my father wanted :D
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