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Stealth?? Why bother??

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Post by B'omarr_Monk »

Well, that's 3 spots where stealth is useful. If I remember right, it took me over 60 hours to finish the game the first time, so 3 opportunities for an effective use of stealth doesn't seem much to me.
And for the 1st point you mentioned: if you aren't too slow, you should be able to reach your goal unaffected even without any skill in stealth. And later, there's always at least one party member available who has stealthing abilities.
I would'nt spend more than one point in it for my PC. But in combination with Stealth Run and Sneak Attack, its a great skill for Atton.
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Post by virpyre »

But if you're not in steath mode when deactivating the droids from the console you miss 400 xp. also there is another place on the sith tomb on dxun, you can turn the turrents back on the sith.
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Post by mr_sir »

yeah but in the grand scheme of things, 400xp is hardly anything considering the level you will get to by the end of the game and how powerful you become. even early on i think its worth missing out on 400xp just so you don't have to bother with the stealth skill at all then just use another character for any times in the game that you need stealth. (also, your main character is not in the group that goes to the sith tomb on dxun anyway)
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Post by Vilis »

aslo you can't get these items if you don't have a 30+ in Stealth:

Superior Nagai Grip
Attack Modifier: +2
Defense: -1
Upgrade: Melee
Prerequisites: Stealth 32

Don't know is that so, but I have that Nagai Grip, and have 6 or 7 points in stealth. :confused:
But I don't remember where and how I get it....
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Post by mr_sir »

you can use any character to create items, so you can get it easily by using another character with high stealth. also, you find things like that blade all the time in various containers etc.
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Post by walterd140 »

So it seems I am not the only one that thinks over 1 or 2 stealth is too much? I would rather dump those skill points in something like persuede (sp??? sorry, just got out after my 4th 12 hour day at the grind) then waste them in stealth. Taking a break from the game (but not the board), then I'll try again with not as much stealth.

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Post by Kayos »

as i always play as either a jedi watchman or sith assasin, i never bulk up on stealth seeing as how i get it for free. but at the beggining of the game before you get to choose your prestige class, i just dump 1 or two points in.

i find stealth handy when i just dont feel like taking a time out to beat the crap outa some tards. i use it when im in a hurry. and most often then not, im always in a hurry.
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Post by LoveDJ »

Stealth PLZ help

Can someone explain to me if the stealth field generator(which is the only way to actually use stealth mode) only comes in belts, what the heck are there other belts for which boosts your stealth skill and/or other attributes(I'm well aware that stealth skill is also there for other feats and attributes)
One more thing, does sound dampening belt really lowers the noise you are making by moving around?
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