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No normal melee char in IWD2??

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No normal melee char in IWD2??

Post by Praetor_Ghast »

I've beaten IWD2 once a few years ago, and now I wanted to do it again. Sad thing that I've found 2 "powergaming" documents...I've read the most of them, and I noticed something: melee characters are worthless in IWD2?? I'm a melee-fan, and had a few nice chars in NWN too (I know, its a different system), and wanted to have at least 2 melee oriented chars here. But do not DARE to take more then 4 fighter or 2 pally levels?? (Paladins are my favourites!). Even Weapon Finesse is worse (works only with daggers and short swords). Is there no option to have a melee char ( so not 20 levels of cleric or arcane caster), who can survive in HOF too?
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Post by Crucis »

Praetor, those were guides for those who are into powergaming. I've played all the way thru normal and HOF modes with parties that were very balanced in the traditional manner (i.e. a couple of traditional melee tanks, a ranger, a rogue (pure or multiclassed), a cleric, and a mage) without much trouble. Oh, sure, a powergamed party will probably kick serious butt, but there's no reason that a nicely balanced party cannot manage HOF, as long as you understand that you cannot battle HOF in the exact same manner as they did in Normal mode.
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Post by MageOfTheWood »

Also, sure the casters are good and all and you'll probably need 1 or 2 in your party but when it comes down to some of the major battles with (spoilers, highlight to read) Iyachtu Xvim and Isair+Madae youre going to have to depend on the Fighters mainly because even though I have played this long ago, I remember that the only damage that can hurt them (spoilers, highlight to read) were electricity and bludgeoning and other than the wizards who could hit with the first form of damage, the melee characters and strong ones were the only ones who actually placed any damage. For instance in the final battle (spoilers, highlight to read)I saw that barely any of my characters were doing ayn damage so I cast Otilukes Resiliance Sphere on most of them so they would act as decoys, while my other characters bombarded them with whatever they had. Thats where the melee characters really come in handy, but trust me, you WILL want some casters, but fighters are essential too.
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Post by Dedigan »

Honestly, there isn't really anything to stop you from making a good melee fighter. The thing is, a multi class with many mage levels is a more effective fighter than a fighter in IWD2. A mage can have a better armor class, doesn't have to look for armor since spell armors are better, and does more damage by a long shot. So if mages are better at all things fighter than fighters are, then why would anyone use a fighter?
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Post by silverdragon72 »


exactly as Deidigan already stated...

...the best melee fighters in IWD2 at medium / high level have 20 wiz or 15cleric levels!

...but that really doesn't mean that they don't fight melee!

if you look at my powergaming guide, you will find out that PC1 will get a much better AC and AB then any pure fighter build will ever get!!!

...besides access to extremly effective melee spells like MI, blur, blink!

I almost never used this build for offensive casting!

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