Sorry for so many questions but I figure if I ask enough stuff eventually someone will answer one of them
So, should I keep Virgil around for the storyline even if I am so tech oriented that he can't hardly heal me (if at all)? I can only have one follower, so was thinking someone else would probably be more useful, but I don't want to miss out on story.
And, since I am so tech, the mages have deciced to stop selling to me. How am I ever supposed to identify magic items now? Do they sell for more if identified? How do I outfit Virgil with magic items if I can't identify them?
Thanks in advance...
Almost every city/town has a 'Wise woman' on its outskirts who will barter with you despite your character being tech-oriented. You can also select a dialogue option 'Can you identify some items for me?' which will open your inventory and then you can click on the item you want identified. The cost is 100 coins per item, but when you advance through the game, that probably won't pose a problem
So do you advise me sticking with Virgil for the story, or grabbing someone else since he can't heal me?[/QUOTE]
Well, Virgil is probably the most interesting NPC in the game and I wasn't able to find many tech NPCs that are useful for healing (you can always spend a point or two to be able to make healing salves ). And since your character is a technician, if you have spent points on Smithy and Mechanics, you'll be able to make automatons which practically remove any need for fighting NPCs (got four of 'em )