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about ingame play

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about ingame play

Post by HANSOLO »

In the Narshadaa docks near the apartment module there is a door that I can't open. There's no possible way to open it, but on the map I can clearly see that there is a room there. There's also another door to the Biths' right in Vogga Hutts' place that has the same problem. Can anyone open it?

In Korriban, in the sith academy, there's a door that u have to open with thorium charges. When I open it I can see a sith holocron and when I go to open it, it is written that it is broken because of the thorium charges. Is there some way to open the holocron? When u aproach to one of the four tombs u get a discription, from Kreia of the sith lord that is burried there. Kreia tells u about one of the sithlord(forgot his name) that was one of the best fighting Jedi and he recorded his fighting techniques on some holocrons and I think that the holcron from the room has his techniques.

How do I acces the military facility sublevel in the restoration zone on Telos?
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Post by RBitG »

1. Nobody can open these doors, it's just another horrible dead ending in the game. :(

2.Can't honestly say.

3. There is a doorway that leads underground in the mercenery base, it should ne be too difficult to spot because it is guarded by a large amount of merceneries.

Edit: Oops. I had thought you meant the entrance into the sublevel, not the 'millitary base' door inside it. Sorry about that.
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Post by Thran Baill »

1. what RbitG said.

2. You can only access that holocron if you're DS, or I believe if you said in the beginning that Revan was DS when speaking to Atton on Peragus. holocron for you!

3. The military sublevel is another part of the game they didn't you can't access it, just like many other parts of the game. Kind of annoying eh?
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Post by Alcina »

[QUOTE=HANSOLO] There's also another door to the Biths' right in Vogga Hutts' place that has the same problem. Can anyone open it?[/QUOTE]
I think you're referring to the warehouse? You get into it towards the end of the level, when you are playing T3, after the exile has been 'kidnapped' by GOTO. It opens automatically at that point.

[QUOTE=HANSOLO] and he recorded his fighting techniques on some holocrons and I think that the holcron from the room has his techniques.
[/QUOTE]It isn't.
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Post by Darth Mason »

you only get the holocron if you say revans DS and the holcron is just Bastila talking about the Sith empire and worrying about if Revan's coming back
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Post by HANSOLO »

Thanks guys for the information, but I have one more question. How do I get disciple to enter my party.
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Post by mr_sir »

you have to be female and he will automatically join after speaking with him. if male you get handmaiden instead
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