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high or low stats

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high or low stats

Post by vitosqueo »

in d&d you used to want a low armor class is seems like in this game you want a high score is that correct and is that the same for most other stats. an amor check penalty of -3 or a penalty of -1. which one of these is better or do you want one with a positive number?
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

You want high AC and small penalties.
AC works like this: when you attack, you roll a d20 and add any modifiers. If you meet or exceed the AC of your target, you hit. Simple. So a high AC means your opponent has to roll better to hit you. (20 always hits).

Armor check penalties work like this: in most cases the check penalty is applied to a skill check. When you attempt to use a skill, you roll a d20 and add any modifiers for training, ability scores, etc.. Depending on how hard what you were trying to do is, there is a DC (difficulty class) number that functions a lot like AC in combat. You want to meet or exceed the DC of the task in question with your modified roll result. A high DC is something hard to do. An armor check penalty applies a negative modifier to your roll, making it harder to meet the DC, so you don't want that.

Example: you want to tumble around an enemy to avoid an attack of opportunity. You have 4 ranks in tumble and a 16 dex, for a total of +7 to your tumble check. However, you're carrying a heavy shield, which has a -2 armor check penalty. That means the total modifier to your roll is only +5. The DC to tumble past a single enemy is 15, so you'd have to roll a 10 or better to succeed.
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