Favorite RPG Of All Time
- Chuckchizzle
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my fav RPGs (out of order)
ZELDA 2....nes
Dragon Warrior...nes (does any one remember the cartoon?)
Ys ....TG16
skies of arcadia... DC
shadowgate...nes (one of the first point and clicks to garce a console)
F F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10TWO
Chrono Trigger and Cross
and a bunch of other ones.....u get the picture
ZELDA 2....nes
Dragon Warrior...nes (does any one remember the cartoon?)
Ys ....TG16
skies of arcadia... DC
shadowgate...nes (one of the first point and clicks to garce a console)
F F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10TWO
Chrono Trigger and Cross
and a bunch of other ones.....u get the picture
[QUOTE=SupaCat]PLANSCAPE=Torment!!!!!(best story ever)
BAldurs GATE 2!!!!!!!(great gameplay)
DEUS EX!!!!!(ways of doing things)[/QUOTE]
I kind of agree, especially with the above two. Planescape: Torment has the best story(+concept) ever, Baldur's Gate have the best gameplay ever. Final Fantasy VII have the best feeling ever and FFIX have the best music ever.
BAldurs GATE 2!!!!!!!(great gameplay)
DEUS EX!!!!!(ways of doing things)[/QUOTE]
I kind of agree, especially with the above two. Planescape: Torment has the best story(+concept) ever, Baldur's Gate have the best gameplay ever. Final Fantasy VII have the best feeling ever and FFIX have the best music ever.
ok, got another one to add to my list of fave rpgs now - gothic 2. i'm still in the first chapter of it at the moment but already its one of my faves as its addictive, very hard, the characters in it are so well thought out, and the quests are well thought out too. all in all, the developers did a great job with this rpg.
- Antharias2k
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I would really like to play PSTorment, but I cannot find a copy.
RPG: BG2 and Deus Ex are my favourite two. (Both have a good story line and graphics were brilliant at the time)
RPG: BG2 and Deus Ex are my favourite two. (Both have a good story line and graphics were brilliant at the time)
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Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.
Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.
[QUOTE=RBitG]Really? From what i've heard it is a very well put together game, for something of it's age, i would love to play it, no matter how poor the graphics. The only problem is finding a copy.
The graphics are manageable, and grow on you in a strange kind of way. And the story is just masterfully executed.
The CRPG with the most compelling and original narrative.
The graphics are manageable, and grow on you in a strange kind of way. And the story is just masterfully executed.
The CRPG with the most compelling and original narrative.
"I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!"
- Ragin Cajun
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Replayability is a big mark for me.
The BG series came closest but the linear play keeps it from being perfect. As far as characters, relationships and interaction with other characters, it's definitely the deepest. Icewind Dale I was one that I really enjoyed.
As much as I like the ES series of games I haven't been the biggest fan since Arena. I hated the graphics in Daggerfall and never played a quarter of the entire game. Morrowind sat on my shelf so long due to my (at that time) hardware limitations that I've never gotten past the town of Balmora. I'm dead set on giving Oblivion a fair shake and maybe that will push me back to give MW another shot.
I'm always looking for that classic D&D style though. I'd love to see a long term game come out with yearly expansions released (like Madden or something) as a full new game that would take you through a long series of events such as DragonLance with Tanis, Tasselhoff, Raistlin and the gang. Each game self sufficient on it's own as a complete game, but continuing where the prior game left off.
The BG series came closest but the linear play keeps it from being perfect. As far as characters, relationships and interaction with other characters, it's definitely the deepest. Icewind Dale I was one that I really enjoyed.
As much as I like the ES series of games I haven't been the biggest fan since Arena. I hated the graphics in Daggerfall and never played a quarter of the entire game. Morrowind sat on my shelf so long due to my (at that time) hardware limitations that I've never gotten past the town of Balmora. I'm dead set on giving Oblivion a fair shake and maybe that will push me back to give MW another shot.
I'm always looking for that classic D&D style though. I'd love to see a long term game come out with yearly expansions released (like Madden or something) as a full new game that would take you through a long series of events such as DragonLance with Tanis, Tasselhoff, Raistlin and the gang. Each game self sufficient on it's own as a complete game, but continuing where the prior game left off.
[QUOTE=asdfjklsemi]As a Diablo-hater as well (its formula ruined the potential of Lionheart, to name only one big-name game), I think it's also too easy to be cynical about. The Elder Scrolls games are still coming out and are still incredible RPGs. And regarding a previous comment about mixing adventure and role-playing (which, after all, is the definition of classic D&D), I'd note the Icewind Dale games did just that. 'Twas Diablo with brains, that series was.[/QUOTE]
It's not that "some" of us hated the diablo series it's a good multi-player action/adventure game and NOT an RPG. It's just that after what blizzard did REAL RPGs suffered. I disagree that it was "easier" to make, just lacked imagination. WHICH then made it easier to make.
Anyways my list would be: (in no apparent order)
1. Planescape Torment
2. Baldurs Gate series
3. Kotor I(NOT II, soooo many bugs in that INCOMPLETE game)
4. Arcanum(never finished though because I lost my cd case 20 games gone)
5. Neverwinter Nights
6. Temple of Elemental Evil(believe it or not I never got any bugs, this game is a good multi player)
I've heard about fable and Arx fatalis but never got to play them. This post is split on that as well.
It's not that "some" of us hated the diablo series it's a good multi-player action/adventure game and NOT an RPG. It's just that after what blizzard did REAL RPGs suffered. I disagree that it was "easier" to make, just lacked imagination. WHICH then made it easier to make.
1. Planescape Torment
2. Baldurs Gate series
3. Kotor I(NOT II, soooo many bugs in that INCOMPLETE game)
4. Arcanum(never finished though because I lost my cd case 20 games gone)
5. Neverwinter Nights
6. Temple of Elemental Evil(believe it or not I never got any bugs, this game is a good multi player)
I've heard about fable and Arx fatalis but never got to play them. This post is split on that as well.
This is my top 3 all time favorite games.
1. Fallout
2. Fallout 2
3. Planescape Torment
I really loved the setting and humor in the Fallout games.
But, I think the strongest emotion is what I got from PS:T, when the game ended, I felt some kind of loss. A bit strange, but I think I had really identified myself with the Nameless One, and also because it is a very sad story.
1. Fallout
2. Fallout 2
3. Planescape Torment
I really loved the setting and humor in the Fallout games.
But, I think the strongest emotion is what I got from PS:T, when the game ended, I felt some kind of loss. A bit strange, but I think I had really identified myself with the Nameless One, and also because it is a very sad story.
- TonyMontana1638
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[QUOTE=Pwned]Hi all,
I have been lurking at the forum for some time enjoying the discussions, but I felt I needed to contribute something to this tread:
What about the Wizardry games? Does none of you like those? :speech:
In my oppinion they are by far the best games ever[/QUOTE]
*nods* I used to play the first one with my friend a long time ago: it was very solid. I too have been surprised at the lack of Might & Magic and Wizardry fans here.
I have been lurking at the forum for some time enjoying the discussions, but I felt I needed to contribute something to this tread:
What about the Wizardry games? Does none of you like those? :speech:
In my oppinion they are by far the best games ever[/QUOTE]
*nods* I used to play the first one with my friend a long time ago: it was very solid. I too have been surprised at the lack of Might & Magic and Wizardry fans here.
"Be thankful you're healthy."
"Be bitter you're not going to stay that way."
"Be glad you're even alive."
"Be furious you're going to die."
"Things could be much worse."
"They could be one hell of a lot better."
"Be bitter you're not going to stay that way."
"Be glad you're even alive."
"Be furious you're going to die."
"Things could be much worse."
"They could be one hell of a lot better."
[QUOTE=TonyMontana1638]*nods* I used to play the first one with my friend a long time ago: it was very solid. I too have been surprised at the lack of Might & Magic and Wizardry fans here.[/QUOTE]
I never tried any of the Wizardry games.
But I have played M&M 6-9. And 6 and 7 I enjoyed very much, but they just don't get up at Fallout or PS:T fun lvl.
I never tried any of the Wizardry games.
But I have played M&M 6-9. And 6 and 7 I enjoyed very much, but they just don't get up at Fallout or PS:T fun lvl.
- fable
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[QUOTE=Pwned]Hi all,
I have been lurking at the forum for some time enjoying the discussions, but I felt I needed to contribute something to this tread:
What about the Wizardry games? Does none of you like those? :speech:
In my oppinion they are by far the best games ever[/QUOTE]
I reviewed Wizardry IV for PC Magazine back in the late-1980s, as I recall, and a few of the later titles for other print pubs. I liked the games, but thought the writing of the series after Bradley took over semi-control went into the chute. The latest one (after Bradley left to show the world what a genius he is) is far the best of the lot.
I have been lurking at the forum for some time enjoying the discussions, but I felt I needed to contribute something to this tread:
What about the Wizardry games? Does none of you like those? :speech:
In my oppinion they are by far the best games ever[/QUOTE]
I reviewed Wizardry IV for PC Magazine back in the late-1980s, as I recall, and a few of the later titles for other print pubs. I liked the games, but thought the writing of the series after Bradley took over semi-control went into the chute. The latest one (after Bradley left to show the world what a genius he is) is far the best of the lot.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
- TonyMontana1638
- Posts: 4598
- Joined: Sat Aug 20, 2005 11:10 pm
- Location: Chasing nuns out in the yard
[QUOTE=Foss]I never tried any of the Wizardry games.
But I have played M&M 6-9. And 6 and 7 I enjoyed very much, but they just don't get up at Fallout or PS:T fun lvl.[/QUOTE]
No worries they're pretty old. Part of why I liked that one I played with him so much was because it was so old and crappy looking it just added to the experience.
As for MM I agree 6 & 7 were by far the best of the lot, even though I did enjoy some of the stuff in 8. 7, man... That was great stuff. I could probably navigate Celeste, Bracada or Harmondale with my eyes closed.
But I have played M&M 6-9. And 6 and 7 I enjoyed very much, but they just don't get up at Fallout or PS:T fun lvl.[/QUOTE]
No worries they're pretty old. Part of why I liked that one I played with him so much was because it was so old and crappy looking it just added to the experience.
As for MM I agree 6 & 7 were by far the best of the lot, even though I did enjoy some of the stuff in 8. 7, man... That was great stuff. I could probably navigate Celeste, Bracada or Harmondale with my eyes closed.
"Be thankful you're healthy."
"Be bitter you're not going to stay that way."
"Be glad you're even alive."
"Be furious you're going to die."
"Things could be much worse."
"They could be one hell of a lot better."
"Be bitter you're not going to stay that way."
"Be glad you're even alive."
"Be furious you're going to die."
"Things could be much worse."
"They could be one hell of a lot better."
- BlueSky
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Favorite RPG
I didn't get into RPG till I was in my 40's and the 1st one discovered was BGII, I think that after I bought I and III and spent hours downloading hundreds of mods, and playing it on and off for the last 6 years, that means it would have to be BGII, but ask me again next year, I've just started playing KOTOR.
I didn't get into RPG till I was in my 40's and the 1st one discovered was BGII, I think that after I bought I and III and spent hours downloading hundreds of mods, and playing it on and off for the last 6 years, that means it would have to be BGII, but ask me again next year, I've just started playing KOTOR.
I do not intend to tiptoe through life only to arrive safely at death"-anon 
[QUOTE=BlueSky]I didn't get into RPG till I was in my 40's and the 1st one discovered was BGII, I think that after I bought I and III and spent hours downloading hundreds of mods, and playing it on and off for the last 6 years, that means it would have to be BGII, but ask me again next year, I've just started playing KOTOR.[/QUOTE]
Kotor is really good, but I'm yet to find an rpg that has the same replayability as BG2. Morrowind could be up there but it lacks the story element that games like BG2 and Kotor 1 have.
Kotor is really good, but I'm yet to find an rpg that has the same replayability as BG2. Morrowind could be up there but it lacks the story element that games like BG2 and Kotor 1 have.