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Does "Called Shot" abilities stack n' stay?

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Does "Called Shot" abilities stack n' stay?

Post by Thrifalas »

While once again readin a hero's guide to a successful adventure, I came upon a suggestion to use Ray of Enfeeblement (sets STR to 5) and three Contagion (reduces STR with 2) to kill the enemy. So I thought that wouldn't it be easier to use called shot of a level12 archer, as it gives -1 STR to target?

I wondered if that -1 str is overruled by the +2 damage of a higher level archer, and if it stacked so five successful hits would kill the target. Anyone knows?
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Post by JJComo »

Stacking? uh....

I believe the -1 to strength would only effect your enemies base strength score. In BG only the highest modifier will apply to one ability. In this case Ray of enfeeblement would be the highest modifier. I don't think contagion would effect the strength after ray of enfeeblement has taken effect.

Some weapons need a min. strength score so if their str. is reduced they will not be able to use some weapons (i.e. Mace, two handed swords, bastard swords, hammers, flails). I've never heard of strength being able to kill a character outright. Having low strength does make them easy targets though.

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Post by Thrifalas »

Um, no, it works. A level 15 archer *can* kill an enfeebled creature in five hits, my question is if that would work with a level 30 archer as well.

Oh well, I guess I'll have to check for myself. Thanks for the answer though. :)
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Post by Sytze »

Called Shot stacks, which means that each new ability you receive strenghtens the arrow, adds a new ability on top of the other.

And yes, you can strenght drain an enemy. Improved Haste is a blessing for that.
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