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Morrowind PC help

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Morrowind PC help

Post by nny156 »

im trying to do the additme code and i type it in exactly as the code from the paper says it should be and its still not working its pissing me off so badly.

i do the player-> additem "item" amount over and over and over and it never works i type it in ever different way and still nothing

what the hell is the right way to do this code cause this is driving me insane.
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Post by Sparrow »

I notice that you have a space between > and a.

The syntax is:
player->AddItem "item_ID" #

Take note of the spaces.
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Post by Loredweller »

Dumb question, but i couldn't see the answer in your post.
Did you type it in the console window, was it open? You should open the console by hitting the tilde, you know ("`", some need with Shift to be "~", on US reybord right under "Esc" left of "1"; closing the same way).

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Post by dragon wench »

Type into your console, exactly as follows (I have found it to be space, punctuation and case sensitive):

'Player -> AddItem "insert item ID here" 1'

Then press your Enter key.

If you have done it correctly, the line you typed into your console will turn a purple shade similar to what I used above. Close your console; the item should now be in your inventory.

This is the formula I use, and it works every time. The console can be tricky to figure out, though, and consequently irritating, so I sympathise.

Note that I placed the number at the end arbitrarily, it can be any number you want, depending on the quantity you wish. Obviously, replace my insert item ID here line with the actual ID of the item you want to add, and keep the quotes around the ID.
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Post by Magelord648 »

I downloaded something from planetelderscrolls called the morrowind master cheat sheet. It has all the commands and is useful if your game goes dodgy and you need the console to fix it.
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