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stupid save game error

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stupid save game error

Post by gremle »

Hello, I believe that I have already posted about this problem earlier but I i searched the threads and couldn't find it again, and worst of all i can't remember how I fixed the problem last time. i think it was a patch though.

the problem was i was just playing around in the fargrove monastary trying to level up when suddenly I had a brown out(power outage) and my computer shut down without warning. As you probably would figure out, i didn't get a chance to save. afterwards i was tired of playing when the power came on again and i had some work to do anyway. the next day (today) i got on my computer and tryed to start up DL and it said:save game thumbnail error =[64][64]. thats it, i have tryed several times again to start DL and every time in a small red outlined diolog box it says as explained above. i appretiate any help with the problem, thank you.

Ps: i have already made several files and completed mos of the game. this is a new one.
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Post by gremle »

Please, I need help on this problem, all my other games suck something bad and dl is one of the only entertaining things i have to do. If you have the same issue or you might know how to fix it, please tell me becuase its driving me crazy not being able to fix the problem.

correction it actually said: savegame thumbnail[0][0] dimension error = [64][64]. I also can't exit the screen that says the stuff in the upper left corner without manually shutting down my computer.

any help would be greatly apprecaited and im on past 3:00pm (pacific time)alot. thank you :D .
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Post by swcarter »

I found your old thread [url=""]here[/url], but you didn't post a solution the last time you had the problem.

It sounds like your saved games are hosed. Since you're early in the game, I'd just suggest deleting them and starting over.

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Post by gremle »

Thank you for replying.

I would try that but i have several files that i would like to keep and i am unable to bypass the screen that says the thumbnail savegame and so on.

also my brother has some files on the game that he really wants to keep. thank you for replying again and i hope you might have some more insight about the problem.

ps: i might try uninstalling the game then reinstalling it.
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Post by gremle »

hello again

I just tried reinstalling DL and started it up again and it still says the same thing. I know at some point the problem was fixed but i just can't figure out how, its really frustrating. My freind will be back tonight an i think he might know what to do. I would still appretiate any help and thanks for helping swcarter :D and replying.
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Post by gremle »

i now know how to fix the problem, thanks for the help.
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Post by gremle »


for anybody experiancing the same problem the sulution to the problem is simply, delete the last saved game file you were using when you had a power out or a crash or whatever, thank for your time, gremle
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