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multiclassing and the abilities you get?

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multiclassing and the abilities you get?

Post by vitosqueo »

when you multiclass do you always get the better of the abilities. like if i have a rogue and i multiclass him with a fighter he will get the better hit dice, right? does that work like that with all other abilities and skills or weapons or armor. do they get the best of both worlds?
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Post by Allyx »

Each class has it's own bonuses for each level, you get the benefit of all of the bonuses for all of your classes up tothe level in each class you have attained.

So a first level rogue gets +0 BAB (Base Attack Bonus), +0 Fortitude save bonus, +2 Reflex save bonus, +0 Will save bonus, a bundle of skill points and 1D6 sneak attack damage against flatfooted or flanked opponants.

A 1st level fighter gets +1 BAB, +2 Fortitude, +0 Reflex, +0 Will and a bonus feat.

These bonuses are added together in the case of a multiclassing rogue/fighter to give you...

A 2nd level character (CL2) who is level 1 rogue/ 1 fighter with +1 BAB, +2 Fort, +2 Ref, +0 Will, a bonus feat, +1d6 sneak attack damage and a bundle of skill points!

The multiclassing options are almost endless (I find that 1 level of Barbarian works well for an otherwise "pure rogue", fast movement +D12 hit points, and rage 1 per day!).
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