under spells it gives you the option to enhance your spells. you can maximize some and some you can widen or both. it will put little circles by the spell when you choose one. i looked in the book and could find nothing about this, how does this work, if you max out a spell does it change it some how i could see no difference. are you just supposed to select the enhancement and your spells are stronger or wider. are there side effects. if not why wouldnt you make your spells better? can anyone expain this feature better and how it works and what it really does?
thanks in advance!
spell enhancement
Each of the meta magic feats affect certain types of spells better than others...
Silent spell - can be cast without verbal componants. EG while silenced.
Still spell - can be cast without movements. EG while bound.
Empower spell - does 50% more damage. EG fireball damage = 23 + 11(.5 - round down fractions) empowered damage.
Maximize spell - does 100% normal damage. EG all damage dice are automatically maximum.
Extend spell - increases the spells range. EG spell can be cast 50% further away.
Widen spell - increases the area of effect. EG a fireball's blast area is increased.
Heighten spell - all level dependant parts of the spell are increased by 1 level.
Quicken spell - casts the spell as a free action. EG you can cast the spell and make another standard action that round.
Silent spell - can be cast without verbal componants. EG while silenced.
Still spell - can be cast without movements. EG while bound.
Empower spell - does 50% more damage. EG fireball damage = 23 + 11(.5 - round down fractions) empowered damage.
Maximize spell - does 100% normal damage. EG all damage dice are automatically maximum.
Extend spell - increases the spells range. EG spell can be cast 50% further away.
Widen spell - increases the area of effect. EG a fireball's blast area is increased.
Heighten spell - all level dependant parts of the spell are increased by 1 level.
Quicken spell - casts the spell as a free action. EG you can cast the spell and make another standard action that round.
- Lord Plothos
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Also bear in mind that when you use metamagic on a spell of a given level, it will have to be put into a spell slot of a higher level. How much higher depends on the kind of metamagic involved.
For instance, magic missile is first level, but an empowered magic missile needs a third level slot. So, you'd have to be at least 5th level if you're a wizard, and have a 13 in intelligence to be able to cast an empowered magic missile.
All that for just 1.5 damage. I'd rather have a fireball, myself. *shrug* I don't use metamagic much.
You may want to check this out: http://d20srd.org/indexes/feats.htm
For instance, magic missile is first level, but an empowered magic missile needs a third level slot. So, you'd have to be at least 5th level if you're a wizard, and have a 13 in intelligence to be able to cast an empowered magic missile.
All that for just 1.5 damage. I'd rather have a fireball, myself. *shrug* I don't use metamagic much.
You may want to check this out: http://d20srd.org/indexes/feats.htm
Proud user and advocate of [url="http://rptools.net/doku.php?id=maptool:intro"]MapTool[/url]for all my RPing-at-a-distance.
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(Use the lastest 1.3 build - it's still beta, but stable and far better than 1.2)