Hello all,
I'm hoping to get some help with this issue I'm having, any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
I am in Ulm. I have cleared the main level, and killed both bosses. I immediately picked up all items they dropped right after they were slain, because I knew I was looking for keys. After freeing whats-his-name from his cell, I was ready to go into the lower level to obtain the armor. However, I noticed I did not have the Tomb key.
I have the other two keys, the manor key or main key that opens most of the doors on the main level, and the prison key that unlocked the cell doors, but I have no other Fathien keys in my inventory.
I don't know if this is a common problem, items not appearing when they should, or what? But, now I am stuck having to go back to an earlier save... which I ignorantly saved in one slot for the past two days of gaming. So I would basically have to go back to the last elder in the trial of elders. And I have done probably 4 quests since then, black knight, breeding grounds, custard mansion, and the guy in bollen fields with the lost son.
So, I am direly hoping for another solution as I am not looking forward to completing all of those quests again... Although partially my fault for putting all my saves in one slot.
Any ways, I have no experience with a hex editor, I do have that steve2d guy's editor, but I can't figure out how to add items to my inventory using it.
Does anyone have any ideas?
I'd really appreciate any and all input.
Thanks in advance, Red.
Need Help With Fathien Tomb Key, please!
I've heard of people having this problem before. I don't know if the key sometimes doesn't drop, or if you simply missed picking it up. Your only recourse (other than going back to an old save) might be to use one of the editors out there. This is similar to the problem with the demon key, so you should read that stucky thread if you're interested.
Sir Edmund: "Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?"
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
Missing dropped items
I've had problems with items dropping and getting stuck in the floor or wall. I can see the sparklies that the item is there, but cannot get it since it is in the wall or floor (some sort of clipping issue maybe?). I have not experienced this with any important items like keys and such, but happens quite a bit with regular loot.
k, thx
I've had problems with items dropping and getting stuck in the floor or wall. I can see the sparklies that the item is there, but cannot get it since it is in the wall or floor (some sort of clipping issue maybe?). I have not experienced this with any important items like keys and such, but happens quite a bit with regular loot.
k, thx