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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Troika Games' Temple of Elemental Evil.
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Post by vitosqueo »

i was going to multi-class my rogue with a fighter just to get the better hp score and i was wondering if i do that will he be able to use the weapons as a fighter and what about armor and a shield. as long as i keep his encumbrance light, would that be ok.
i was also thinking of classing a fighter with my sorcerer and wizard for the hit pionts to. i know they cant use armor but would they be able to use better weapons when forced into melee or equip a shield when also forced into melee combat, keeping the shield unequiped normally.
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

Multiclassing rogue and fighter is very common. One of my favorite 10th level builds is rogue 3/fighter 7. Anyway, yeah he'll get more HP and better weapon and armor proficiencies. You don't even have to keep his armor light, really. It only matters for tumbling in ToEE, since sneaking and other roguey type stuff is pretty non-existent. (Hence my not having more than 3 levels of rogue, and that really just for dialog skills.) Only worry with armor is the hit you'll take to tumble. But if you've got a high dex, go with the elven chain. You won't find much better than that anyway. Elven chain and a big shield make your rogue/fighter pretty studly.

Wizards shouldn't need HP, if you're using them right. While you can give them a fighter level, it's not wise, because you slow their spell advancement and crafting potential, and that's the only reason they're there. Things to keep in mind, though:

1. Shields have not only penalties but arcane spell failure %'s, so be careful with that.

2. The wooden elven shields, however, do NOT have any spell failure %, nor do they have any armor check penalty. The way shield proficiency works in D&D is you take the armor check penalty to your attack rolls while using a shield if you aren't proficient. Since this shield has no ACP, anybody can use it at no penalty. So your wizard gets a free +2 to AC.

3. Mage armor lasts for hours. +4 to AC pretty much from when you cast it until you need to rest. (Also works for monks!!!!) Only becomes obsolete when you get +5 bracers of armor late in the game.

4. Elves can use longswords and longbows for free, because they're elves. So it's probably best to just make your wizard an elf, when creating him.

Given 1-4, adding a fighter level is just not recommended for a wizard. But if you're dying and can't find a way around it, I guess it's worth a shot. (But you might want to rethink how you're approaching battles... mirror image, greater invisibility, cat's grace, protection from evil, resist energy, etc. can all save your wizzy; as will putting the fighters up front and not letting anything through. :D
Proud user and advocate of [url=""]MapTool[/url]for all my RPing-at-a-distance.
(Use the lastest 1.3 build - it's still beta, but stable and far better than 1.2)
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