Well, you dont have a whole lot of alternatives. Some odd years back, I ran Linux as my only O/S for 1-2 years. Make mo mistake about it, it really is a great O/S, but I just got tired of trying to find half finished replacements for programs that ran almost flawlessly in windows. Pretty graphical games where right out the window. I think Quake and Doom where the only "3d" titles avaible. But that really didnt matter, cause I played MUD most of time... now there a game that sells on gameplay and not graphics
Also, I dont feel that there is anything wrong with the graphics in Arcanum.. the gameworld just dont appeal to me. I like Sword and wizards.
Speaking of graphics, has anyone tried Severance - Sword of darkness (I think there is some diffence in the Euro/USA title). I thought that was the best Hack 'N Slash 3D yet. I really enjoyed playing that game. The graphics where beautifull, there worlds where nice a diverse. Learning the weapon combo's where a fun part of the game. If only that game had a plot.... it could have been the greatest thing to hit the selves in a long time.
[ 10-21-2001: Message edited by: KaaZe ]