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Suggestions for Fallout 3

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to any of the titles or expansions within the Fallout series.
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Galaga Bee
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Suggestions for Fallout 3

Post by Galaga Bee »

Anyone who reads this, post your ideas for Fallout 3. I'll start with 2 of mine:

1) A portal to Hell opens up and... oh wait, that's another game (this joke is tired, but it still makes me laugh).
2) I loved the ability to drive a car in Fallout 2, and while I don't think a car would necessarily be feasible in Fallout 3 (edit: too big), what about a motorcycle/moped (edit: similar to horses in Oblivion)? If it is implemented, the quest to obtain it should be significantly challenging, just like it was in Fallout 2.

Don't everyone all post at once.

Just in case you were wondering, now is the time to post about ideas you may or may not like to see included in Fallout 3, because by the time Bethesda actually starts releasing info on the game, I'm guessing a lot of the plotline/gameplay elements will have already been decided upon by the developers. Assuming Fallout 3 comes out sometime in mid-2007 (a reasonable estimate even though the developers have stated nothing yet about a potential release date), and keeping in mind that the last 6 (or even 12) months or so of game development is more fine-tuning and tweaking than anything else, this means that in order for an idea to be approved, implemented, and tested properly, it would most likely need to be thought of at least 9-12 months prior to release, lest you "miss the boat", so to speak. This is not to imply that the forums are the sole source of inspiration for game ideas for the developers by any means (I'm sure they already have a pretty good grasp on what they will be implementing into the game by now), but they DO listen to your ideas (who knows, maybe it'll at least end up in the expansion?). You never know who might be listening to your ideas.

Also, as an edit to #2, bicycles, unicycles, the aforementioned mopeds, or even a segway could provide for some rather humorous modes of transportation (I'm picturing my character decked out in a full suit of power armor carrying a railgun while riding on a unicycle LOL).
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Post by Kipi »

Hmmm... here are some I can think of right away...

1) More weapons/ammos/items in general
2) Either better AI on party members or better control over them (But not in the same way as in Fallout: Tactics)
3) Very big world to travel, and also lots of different cities and towns to visit.
4) More variety to what NPCs looks like, it gets quite boring after some time when there are 5-10 different way character can look... :rolleyes:
5) More mutated animals and monsters to kill

and finally, but definately not least, as so many can agree with me...
6)Not so damn buggy!!!! :mad: :mad:
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Post by Galaga Bee »

1) More weapons/ammos/items in general

Not sure whether or not there will be "more" than what was in the previous games, but I would expect a fairly decent selection.

2) Either better AI on party members or better control over them (But not in the same way as in Fallout: Tactics)

This assumes that there will BE party members, rather than something like TESIV: Oblivion, which only has the player character and summoned/temporarily controlled "allies". But yes, I agree that if they do offer a party-based system, they should offer quite a bit of control over the party members, because otherwise what's the point? My vote is for a single-player, non-party-based system, however.

3) Very big world to travel, and also lots of different cities and towns to visit.

I think this can be expected, depending on what your definition of "big" is.

4) More variety to what NPCs looks like, it gets quite boring after some time when there are 5-10 different way character can look... :rolleyes:

Assuming they make the game 3D using the same basic engine as Oblivion, this would mean that there would be a great deal of customization and variation of the way the characters look (both player character and NPCs); but then again, since Oblivion hasn't been released yet, this might not be saying much, since I can't sit here and say that this is the case when I haven't even played Oblivion yet. But from what they've described about Oblivion, it seems like they have a lot of options to choose from using sliders to change different characteristics, so assuming Fallout 3 goes 3D, I don't see why they wouldn't include something like this for Fallout 3 also.

5) More mutated animals and monsters to kill

See my answer to #1.

Since you brought up the previous games in the series, rather than just list off a bunch of specific skills and items from the previous games that I would like to see included, I will simply say that I would like to see most of the RPG elements from the previous installments (ie. the SPECIAL system, the skill system - such as computers, repair, etc. - and the character traits/attributes, which do things like making you resistant to poison/radiation, or give you fewer skill points but more ability points) make a return for Fallout 3.

As for the graphics, I've already stated my piece about that, but as far as the combat system goes, I would like to see a KOTOR-style pausable, "live-action-yet-turn-based-also" combat system, to prevent the game from becoming a simple FPS game since high rate-of-fire guns such as full-auto machine guns, rocket launchers, and rail guns will (hopefully) make a return also. KOTOR is a good example of how this type of system can mesh the use of melee combat (ie. the lightsabers and vibroswords from KOTOR) with the use of more powerful weapons (such as the blasters, repeating blaster rifles, thermal detonators, etc. from KOTOR). As an added bonus, it might also appease some of the "purists" who want it to be turn-based entirely, so as not to alienate them completely; not that I really care whether or not they are alienated, but the developers might ;) .

As for content, I would simply like a return of the adult-oriented, satirical content, along with some factions to join, and lots of interesting mutants to kill. I also think that this particular series allows for quite a bit of creativity on the part of the developers (if they choose to be creative, that is) in the types of world environments they can choose to implement. Someone mentioned somewhere once that an abandoned amusement park would be cool, and I personally think it would be cool to see the inclusion of an abandoned (or not-so-abandoned?) but relatively intact (or not-so-intact?) nuclear power plant or chemical factory. These are only a couple of ideas, as there are lots of ideas to choose from, so my hope is only that the developers don't hold anything back in terms of the variety of environments that will be included as well.

Oh, yeah, and as far as #6 goes, I think it is a given that any consumer would want a game with as few bugs as possible (which is why I forgot to mention this one with the rest of your suggestions). Not that it's a bad suggestion, but it just kinda goes without mentioning. Also, for those who have been living in a fallout shelter for the last few years, KOTOR stands for Knights of the Old Republic by LucasArts.

2nd Edit:
KOTOR is also a good example of how you can have a party-based system and also 3D graphics at the same time.
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Post by master1 »

fallout 3 now

more charackters faces, better grafiks,you can see all the faces you talk to,better fisics(you know we all hate than you shoot someone in the eays and then half of torso removes from its body,man whats so damn annoying),more monsters,big world andf many choises as always and so on:mischief:

MORE,MORE,MORE....... :rolleyes:
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Post by kamilos-55 »

More does not mean better !! I will happy if F3 will like F1 with new-old design.
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Post by Masa »

Maybe they add a rival to the brotherhood of steel and you had to decide which to join if either like sisterhood of traveling pants:laugh: . But seriously.
There could also be more goddie and baddie battles where you had to choose your side and consequences for example a city might be destroyed or if you expose some big baddie they will go after you.
And then there could be a major twist like the brotherhood of steel is teamed with the muties.
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Post by Niteowl3915 »

I don't know if a car would be such a bad idea, depending of course on when the game takes place.
If it's contemp with F2 or close then I agree with Galaga Bee, something I thought was a little strange was that the car wasn't lifted in the first ten minutes it was left alone. Setting it say fifty years into the future (from F2 that is), and introducing not only refurbished prewar cars but new cars would solve that problem. Hell why not have highways (and highway men)?
To be honest, I would be sated (not happy, but sated) with a direct(ish) port of Fallout 2, with 3d and all the customization included in Oblivion.
Let's hope they think that way too, and don't stray too far from the orginal formula.
As far as combat, I liked tactics' system. There was too much control over the party members (which are a must btw) but that could be solved by a good ai.
Let's face it guys, turn based and 2d games weren't the end product of intellectual design, they were the best that could be done with the technology of the time.
Now more and more, movies and video games are becoming less of "the best the director could do" and more what the director actually saw in his mind's eye.
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Post by limitedwhole »

No car would be lame. No party members would be lame. These are the problems with 1st person. You trade tactics and Roleplaying for SHoot/dodge. Who the hell can dodge bullets anyways?

I suggest that it be more lethal. If you don't have power armour or bullet proff vests etc. gunshots kill you...period. People would have to intelligibly navigate the game, not just kill everything in sight.

Could you imagine tooling around in apick-up with MArcus priming a Chain gun mounted in the back, while Cassidy drops grenades out the side door? Hehehe. To bad these things won't probably be implemented. If there is no party and car I probably won't buy the game. It will just be another FPS. Nothing special. Different names for teh guns. Etc.
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