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Simple Question

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Simple Question

Post by Johnay »

Yo I have a question conserning the Temple of Avo.

Ok When you go to the Temple of Avo and donate 50,000 gold peices u get
5-10 years off your life so if you were to donate 50,000 peices about 10 times or so (depending on how old you are) could you go back to when you were like a teenanger and still have a beard and be really buff and have all your skills? Because if you could I am so gunna do that!:devil:
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Post by Grimar »

haven played this game for a loooong time now, but if i remember correctly, you cant do it more than once.

there is one way to pass this though. remember the quest which start in that area? you had to find/save a guy. think it was the archeologis (sp?).

well.. if you get a LOT of money before doing that quest, you can start it, run to the temple. get younger, then hero save. press quit, then do it again until you have reached minimun age. can only be done once though! (after the quest is completed, you cant go back and do it again)

im far from sure if this is true, since its been a while...
I once had a little teaparty, this afternoon at three, twas was very small, three guests in all; I, myself, and me. myself ate up the sandwhiches, while i drank up the tea. twas also i that ate the pie,and passed the cake to me :D
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Post by Matt9148 »

Yes, you can only do it once, and yes that trick works, but I think it also works with the "Ransom Victim" silver quest, which you can take after the game, so you can level up all your stats first and not get old again
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