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Top 5 most looked forward to RPG's

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Top 5 most looked forward to RPG's

Post by Applebrown »

Five most looked forward to RPG's: In no order... because... as a young jedi once said, and I quote, "that's impossible!"

Dungeon Siege
Neverwinter Nights
Wizardry 8
Warcraft III (sue me)

Five most looked forward to MMORPG's:

Star Wars Galaxies (no brainer)
Ultima Worlds Online: Origin (UO2)
Dark Age of Camelot
Anarchy Online

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Post by Flagg »

My most anticipated top 5 rpg

Pool of Radiance
Neverwinter Nights

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Post by Equis »

Top 5 RPGs

WarCraft III (This is an RPG now?)

Top 5 MMOs
#1 Shadowbane (can't believe AB left this one out)
#2 DAoC
#3 Horizons (#3 because it isn't due out for so long)

Everything else is fodder...Neocron or AO might be interesting for a change of venue. Or even one that is based on a war setting.

UWO = CRAP. The graphics are UGLY, and being a UO vet, I don't expect much from gameplay. Orgin is completely clueless as to what thier fanbase is.

Planetside - interesing, a MMOFPS. Jury is out on this one.

Star Wars - Of course I love the setting, but with Verant at the helm? Imagine the carebear server where Stormtroopers and Rebels join forces to camp the uber whatever. I played EQ for a long time, and had tons of fun. The whole time I knew it was built on some very flawed fundamentals. Will Star Wars be a Xerox of EQ? Lets hope Verant sees past the $$$ and builds a game that isn't soley dependent on time investment.

UWO *shudder*

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Post by Applebrown »

#1 Shadowbane (can't believe AB left this one out)
Well I'm not the one with the beta... Image and besides. It just didn't make the cut! > :P
UWO = CRAP. The graphics are UGLY, and being a UO vet, I don't expect much from gameplay. Orgin is completely clueless as to what thier fanbase is.
Pah! Double Pah! The graphics are ugly? In bold even? Ouch. I will just have to seriously disagree here, because you know what? I actually think they are the nicest looking out of any of the MMORPG's!
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Post by Equis »

Ok, ya made me do it... *shudder*

WTF? MMO or a cheap aliens rip off?

My 386 use to do this if I held a magnet near the monitor. What the hell is that? I can draw that...

They certainly aren't using sex appeal to sell this game...

The horses look nice, too bad they're not a playable race

The scenery shots in the game are nice, probably because they didn't come from someone's acid trip

So, when refering to ugly, I mean character and monster models. I'm not much of a graphics person, I prefer gameplay. However, these character and monster models are just so ugly that it actually deters me from the game. I think orginal UO has better graphics.



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Post by Applebrown »

Firstly, let's steer this thread back to where it was meant to be. Five looked forward to RPG's!

Secondly, those models as you know are not final, heck who knows if that alien will even be in the game? Let's hope not. The point is that character and monster models change a _lot_ over the course of the development, especially due to feedback. DAoC is on your list and I'm sure you realize the same will be true with that game.

And third, you're making a presumption on gameplay based upon preliminary character and monster models which is hardly fair and probably a bit biased considering your unhappiness with UO gameplay. There is a new team at work here, more experience working with MMORPG's, a total 3D environment, and much more depth planned. Hey, I agree with you, those pics you showed? Most are very ugly... but I won't go taking a few of the Shadowbane pics I think are horrid and paste them here either. > Image Instead, I think I'll paste some better looking character model shots from UWO. Image



Jukan heads/faces need work but the human's can be excellent:

Female with Unicorn:

Female making gestures:

Top 5 RPG's please =)... very curious as to what GameBanshee's forum users are looking forward to.

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Post by Equis »

I still think the character models in those screens you listed are ugly. Yes graphics change, but UWO has a long way to go to improve than other developing games. If they start with something bad, you can expect it to improve, but how much? My statement stands, thier scenery shots are nice, thier models are ugly. (The alien shot is thier idea of a deamon, they seem pretty proud of it...don't let me get started on the ettin)

As for gameplay, I don't make assumptions based on the graphics. I just stated that the graphics are so bad, that they would deter from the gameplay. UWO dev. team brags about thier experience (UO) and how that will help them create a better game. Well nothing in they way they have handle UO leads me to believe they are capable of making the right decisions. Its like saying "Hey, every design feature we implemented in UO was met with complete and utter dislike, we have the experience needed to make an enjoyable game". Thats why I'm pecimistic about the game.

Combined with the fact that there is nothing ground breaking in what I know of UWO makes me none too excited about it.

Shadowbane screens certainly aren't the most jaw-dropping. They are, however, good enough that I wouldn't be playing the game going "gawd that dumb looking cat person is driving me insane, I gotta find a new group".

To take the conversation back to the topic Image My main area of focus and expertise are MMOs, so there aren't any RPGs that I'm REALLY looking forward too, unless NWN and WarCraft III count.

Anyway, atleast we've added some posts to the thread and people might be more likely to view it and comment.

Shadowbane rules!

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Post by T'lainya »

I'm looking forward to in no particular order
Neverwinter Nights
BG2 exp. pack
Pool of Radiance
Wizardry 8
I'm hoping Arcanum doesn't have the problems I've had with other Sierra games and I REALLY hope Bethesda gets some of the major bugs out BEFORE shipping this time
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Post by TheHellion »

Top 5!
  • Throne of Bhaal Image
  • Neverwinter Nights
  • Pool of Radiance 2
  • Morrowind
  • Diablo 2 expansion
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Post by Maximus »

My Picks would be
Throne of Bhaal

After that I am at a loss, no real time to invest in something like UL/UWO that and USA charging/servers

Had enough of Blizzard & Diablo

Personally there is no reason why NWN can become a persistant world and grow.

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Post by Skinbeard »

In no particular order:

-Pool of Radiance
-Throne of Bhaal
-TORN (can't be bad if it has the same team as Planescape:Torment).
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Post by fable »

Pool of Radiance
Throne of Baal
...or Wizardry VIII, if Sir-Tech ever stops making unreasonable demands, and actually issues the game (which is finished).

Skinbeard, what's TORN? I'm not familiar with the acronym, but the idea of a new CRPG with the P:T team is definitely one to provoke my interest.
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Post by buddyX »

In no particular order:

-Pool of Radiance
-Throne of Bhaal
-TORN (can't be bad if it has the same team as Planescape:Torment).
agree completely
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Post by Evandarian »

heh... if this counts

1. Throne of Bhaal
2. Throne of Bhaal
3. Throne of Bhaal
4. Throne of Bhaal
5. Throne of Bhaal

Image sorry... just addicted to BG2!

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