1.BG2: SoA
2.BG+ TSC (TSC didn't really add a plot, but Durlag's tower was cool
3.BG2: ToB
4.FF3, (Or 6 in Japan)
5.FF2, (Or 4 in Japan)
I've never really played Icewind Dale or Planscape: Torment, so I can't rank those.
I also loved the Fallout serious.Originally posted by Overkill:
<STRONG>i Dont know if its the "best" but it was the first and funest so i have to say Fallout 2,the story kinda suck but i love the environments and weapons and the death animations....,the first time i sherded someone whit my minigun...the proudest moment of my life.</STRONG>
TORN was recently cancelled.Originally posted by fable:
Unfortunately, P:T failed--in a sense. It made money; just not enough, by Interplay's standards. The team that did it was a resource that couldn't be wasted, so they were put on another project rather than a P:T successor. I'm curious how TORN will turn out, however. We should find out towards the end of the year. My guess is that it might put NWN in the shade--but everybody's raving over NWN, while TORN is deliberately kept from the spotlight.
[ 07-14-2001: Message edited by: fable ]</STRONG>
I will never acknowledge Evermore and Chrono Cross as RPGs. Those two games are by far sub-par to Squares usual high standerds of work. Also, the Zelda series is Action/Adventure, it's not really an RPG.Originally posted by Tamerlane:
<STRONG>Don't forget Secret Of Mana and Evermore, Zelda series and Chrono Cross.
IMHO Some of the best games ever made.</STRONG>
Actually, the Zelda series(not sure about the original 2 for NES) are Adventure/RPGs. With the improvement of graphics for the console systems, most games are incorporating much of what makes an RPG an RPG, i.e. the interaction with npcs, the exploring a world, etc. IIRC, Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past was the first RPG without the turn-based fighting.Originally posted by Aegis:
<STRONG>Also, the Zelda series is Action/Adventure, it's not really an RPG.</STRONG>
Neee? Mine was labeled Adventure/RPG.Originally posted by Aegis:
<STRONG>Well, I'll concede to your point SS, but the game is labeled, and intended as Action/Adventure.</STRONG>
I concede that may have been his intention, but I also specifically remember the Legend of Zelda: Link To The Past box labeling it an Adventure/RPG. I also agree that the first two Zelda games for NES were action/adventure.Originally posted by Aegis:
<STRONG>I'm quoting Shiguru Myomoto. He intended the Zelda series to be action/adventure, not RPG.</STRONG>