in the pallisades, if you have the right kind of characters in your party you get the xp just by simply talking to them with that member. Any fighting kind of character can teach one set to fight better, any cleric type can give another a blessing etc.
If I remember correctly there are 3 groups in the palisades that you can gain extra xp by helping (i think 2 are with a fighter type character and 1 is a cleric/paladin that can bless them)
maybe a bard for the morale boost or something
anyway it isn't put in the walktrough which i say is a bit stupid
Xp is godlike and needed mostly in beginning I mean who doesn't hate that low starting hp characters have in IWD2 a mage 4hp -.- one missile bye bye mage
If you want to update the walkthrough, have you tried contacting buck (the site administrator)? There are so many rpgs on this site, I imagine its pretty hard to keep them all 100% up to date. For example, some games on these forums don't have a walkthrough. Does it really matter if the walkthrough does not list every possibility? Half the fun of RPGs is finding little things out for yourself.