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Deadric Helmets + locked? enchantments

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Deadric Helmets + locked? enchantments

Post by Niteowl3915 »

I've been looking for a deadric helmet (and gauntlets) every damn place and I can't seem to find any!
Can anyone tell me where they found one?

Also, I want to enchant my equipment with things like feather and reflect damage but they're not available from the list. Is there any way to make them available or is that just not doable?
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Post by Tricky »

Items like that are levelled in Oblivion, you'll need to be levelled up quite a bit until those things start appearing. I'm not sure how far..
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Post by Woundead »

Also, I want to enchant my equipment with things like feather and reflect damage but they're not available from the list. Is there any way to make them available or is that just not doable?[/QUOTE]

You must have at least one spell wither feather or reflect damage to use it as an enchant effect.
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Post by mordib »

Daedric helmets will start dropping from level 20 onwards, in terms of where and who, think of any creatures youve met that wear helmets... certain opponents in oblivion gates have loads of the stuff, more rarely marauders can be found with full daedric outfits... and so forth.
As for damage reflect it is true there is no spell and as such no enchanting of it which is a bit annoying, but still there are unique items within thegame that can comfortable take your damage reflect to way over 100% so keep hunting!
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Post by Nagroth »

I am not quite sure this is correct: my lvl 28 fighter has yet to find either a daedric helmet or gauntlets (or ebony, for that matter). Cuirasses, greaves and boots can easily be found, but no helmets, shields or gauntlets.
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Post by Ashen »

They are hard to find, especially helmets. I have 30 sets of glass ... except helmets and gauntlets. It's just how it is.
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Post by fable »

There are several mods that change or remove the item leveling process. You might want to consider GT's Loot Mod. He offers a very plain breakdown of what loot can be expected to drop, depending upon your character level.
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Post by Niteowl3915 »

It occured to me last night that I might need to be able to use the spell before I could enchant with it, but with that does a highler lvl affect the strength of the enchantment?
Also I'm a lvl 24 now and these last few have been coming really slow because all my major skills are pretty high and they only dudes I've seen with Deadric Helmets are the Feydaz or something and they don't drop. Thanks though.
I'm on the 360 btw so modding isn't an option for me.
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Post by Fer'or »

The Daedra in the portals will sometimes drop Daedric Shields, even on lower lvls. My lvl 8 protagonist found a Daedric Shield when blasting his way trough an OG.
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Post by Babytank »

At lvl 25 I've only come across one deadric helmet and one deadric guanlet. They guanlets I found was in a fort, I can't remember which one but it was enchanted with fortify strenght 10. I had to kill a muarader warlord at the end of the fort. The Helmet I found in a slave cave, it was near a farm way to the west of chorrel and way north of Anvil. I forgot the name of the cave though, sorry.
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I found my first daedric stuff just recently, wihle I'm lvl 20. All at the fort grief quest. I've found every type of armor, also one shield and some weapons. I've sold most of them trough it was a shame because they where more worth then 1200 but I could not find any merchant that has more money...

I've seen that respawn maruders could have glass weapons (By lvl 17) so all you have to do is to try lvl up and loot...
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Post by Dark Assassin »

if you hold off on doing the Thoronir quest in the market district, Agarmir's (spelled wrong) buddy is wearing deadric armor. i dont remeber if he had gauntlets, but i know for sure he had a helmet. i was around lvl 25 or so when i did it.
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Post by MatiasDet »

I found a magic daedric helmet while doing a mission for the FG. I found it in the cave in which you have to find some missing guys. This cave has trolls and Will-o-the-whisps, you shuld recognize it cause it has 3 of this outside the entrance.
As for gauntlets, i found them after looting some bandits I THINK but I could be wrong. By the way, the helmet i found has life detect for 111 ft as a constant efect so is pretty handy in dungeons :D
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Post by yrthwyndandfyre »

[QUOTE=Niteowl3915]I've been looking for a deadric helmet (and gauntlets) every damn place and I can't seem to find any!
Can anyone tell me where they found one?[/QUOTE]

I doubt it's as much a question of where as when. When I was assembling my first set of complete glass, I found the gauntlets and helmet to be second-hardest and hardest to find, respectively. I think they are probably seeded at 'scarce' odds.
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Post by Orfinn »

I found, gauntlets, shield, greaves and cuirass but not the helmet, If I do Im not gonna use it, I'll rater add it to my armor collection in my haunted house (in amityville :) man that collection is getting big, I prefer collecting helmets as throphies :p Oh and I found the daedric stuff, mostly as others have said, on marauders. But gladly (at least for me) they are hard to come by. A bit more unique to find them then.
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Post by Creton »

I managed to find a Daedric Helmet (along with my first set of boots, cuirass and greaves) during one of the fighters guild quests when I was around level 20, but I haven't found any gauntlets ever on both my lvl 26 and my lvl 34.
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Post by "Flush"theFish »

Im not sure about the daedric helmet (I know I found it somewhere, I think I stole it) but I know I got everything else minus a shield on a guy in Seridur's home, which is I believe in the temple district. (This is the place u go to in the "Order of the Virtuous Blood" quest) He also had a daedric claymore.
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Post by cyrodillsruler2 »

I found the deadric helmet first then the greaves,cuirass,boots,sheild, then arows and all that good stuff.

Since i was level 23 when I started the TG quests, I found the helmet when i was doing the boots for spring heel jack quest.
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Post by Ghost Dragon »

I noticed in Border Watch there are villagers with powerful disinigrating weapons. I had to come back later with glass armour just to kill all of them. After i killed them i only got a couple weapons. Does anyone know where i can find the curiass, greaves, and boots real fast?

Just turned level 20 :)
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