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Please Help!! Lightning staff not working in Dreamland Quest

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Please Help!! Lightning staff not working in Dreamland Quest

Post by Atarlie »

Everyone keeps saying that you can kill the minataurs no problem with the lightning staff but because of the necklace I'm "silenced" (cant do any magic). I cant go back to the begining because the game keeps overwriting my saves so I cant go back to the beginning and start again - I would have to start from about 3-4 hours play previous. Please Help!!! :confused:
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Post by UncleScratchy »

Lightening staff

I was able to use the staff even though I was silenced. I believe all you do is equip it and point and shoot (left click). If pretty sure its a ranged weapon but if not then just hitting the minotaur with it would deliver the charge. BTW, if your acrobatics is good enough you can jump up on those protruding sloped structures and get beyond their weapons reach (but not their fire breath or whatever that spell is) then you can pick them off with a bow. Keep trying and good luck.
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Post by Tricky »

Yes, equip it like you would a weapon.
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Post by RavenBlackthorn »

Exactly, Equip it like a normal weapon, and attack the Minotaurs as if it was a normal weapon. But, as you will see, as opposed to "swinging" the staff like a normal weapon, it will instead cast Lightning Bolts. Which once, you get it to work is pretty bad ass. :D (My character is a Mage, can you tell?!)

Staves work a little bit differently than your typical Spells. They don't use Magika and due to this fact will work even if you are Silenced. Which is pretty sweet, since this is the case with this quest.

Enjoy. I'm betting that once you get the Staff to work, and realize it's effectiveness, you'll be visiting Rindar's Staffs in the not to distant future to find a replacement. (Unfortunately, you can't bring the Staff with you once you complete the quest and you leave Dreamland) :>
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