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Figther/thief as main char?

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Post by Cuchulain82 »

Brynn wrote:OK I started to play BGII again, and since I've been all over it like 3 times with the very same mage (duh :rolleyes: ) I'd like to try a Fighter/Thief for a change...
Okay Brynn! I go away for a little while and no one seems to be left to beat the proverbial F->Th drum! :o Here is my opinion: the F->Th is the single most versatile/powerful class in the game. I prefer F->Th over multiclass F/Th, but some people feel otherwise (as mentioned, a multiclassed half orc w/Str, Con, Dex 19 is scary). I have type this up before, so rather than retyping it, I've posted it below. The original argument is [url=""]here[/url].

I hope this helps! On to quoting myself:
Cuchulain wrote:The following are arguments that have been made before, but since I was asked, I thought I should spell out the benefits of Firghter-Thief dual classing.

Theif kits are good, but I think that the transition from Fighter to Thief makes much more sense, because most of the benefits of being a fighter can be gained by 9th level. Think about it- more HP, weapon spec/mastry, lower THACo, more attacks, etc.- these are things you need earlier in the game. As the game progresses it is less important to have a beefy character than it is to have solid tactics and a party that works well together.

Mages and Sorcerers start off limited at lower levels and become more powerful as they gain XP- this isn't a terrible problem in BGII because everyone starts off at 7th lvl, but anyone who played BGI or pnp knows that the mages are very weak in the early levels (say, lvls 1-5). Fighters, however, are exactly the opposite- they are relativly strongest early, with big weapons, big armor, and lots of hp. As time passes, their abilities continue to improve, but not at nearly as strong a rate as other classes- after 9th level you stop using hit dice, and after 22 THACo stops too. AC and saves at that point are not as necessary, and all enemies are uber-enemies.

If you are thinking about Fighter-Theif dualclassing, first consider XP- Thieves advance faster than any class. So, not only will you be able to gain more lvls by going fighter-theif than theif-fighter, you will also get them back much sooner. If you dual at lvl 9, you can probably have your fighter abilities back by chapter 3.

Next consider the high level abilites. Fighters have cool abilities, no doubt, and if you just have to have greater whirlwind, then by all means go fighter. But Thieves get access to what is weidely considered the best ability in the game: use any item. Also, the theif has access to some of the other cheesiest abilities- the various traps. By the time my Kensai-Thief got UAI, he was so powerful it was disgusting. He was in full armor and equipment, weilding the Staff of Magi and backstabbing anything and everything. He was essentially an invisible, trap detecting/setting, backstabbing, armed-to-the-teeth killing machine. He was the ultimate scout, trapper, mage-killer, dungeon crawler, and toe-to-toe fighter. He was so powerful that using the Staff was the only cheese tactic I employed- unless the battle was really tough, I didn't even bother to mess with traps because they took too much time.

If you don't like super strong characters then don't play a fighter thief, but I liked this character for three basic reasons:
-Very adaptable- I like my characters to be able to do everything
-Great potential- no matter where I was in the game, leveling was always fun because there was always something new to try out.
-Roleplaying- The character was super strong, but still seemed organic. I could see my character becoming a very stong fighter but then having an identity crisis or sorts and wondering if he should be more adaptable... so he left his kensai ways behind, started studying other tactics, trying different things... you get the idea. For any kit this can be true- Wiz Slayers, Berzerkers, vanilla, whatever- the progression feels very natural.

For me the bottom line of Fighter-Thief or Thief-Fighter is something like this: If you want a fighter with a few thiefy tricks, go Thief-Fighter. If you want a character is among the most powerful in the game, that does all the stuff listed above and can use all equipment in the game (just think about scroll use- I didn't even talk about that) then go Fighter-Theif.

Regarding which kit you should choose as a fighter, it really depends upon what you feel like. Think about if you want to dual weild or use two handed weapons. Check out [url=""]this post[/url]I made a while back- I wrote a few lines about different kit possibilities.

Any more questions, reply or PM :D
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Post by VonDondu »

[QUOTE=Cuchulain82]I prefer F->Th over multiclass F/Th, but some people feel otherwise...[/QUOTE]
I once posted a comparison between a multi-class Fighter/Cleric and a Berserker dualled to a Cleric. You can read it here. My own conclusion is that with a 2,950,000 point experience cap and no High Level Abilities, a dual-class character is a better choice. But with an experience point cap of 8,000,000 and the availability of High Level Abilities, I think a multi-class character has the edge.

But of course, other considerations come into play. For example, a 34th Level Cleric can make a demi-lich explode with Turn Undead, so if you want that ability, you ought to play a dual-classed character.

The never-ending argument about "which character is more powerful" yields different results for everybody because it really depends on playing style. Would you rather Imprison a monster, make it explode with Turn Undead, kill it with a Chain Contingency, or kill it with one backstab? You'll never get everyone to agree on one character.

To me, the "best character" is the one I feel like playing at the moment. If I want to play a sneak, then a Sorcerer doesn't interest me. If I want to play a flashy, "swashbucking" character, I don't play a Berserker/Cleric; instead, I choose a Swashbuckler, Blade, or Fighter/Thief. I don't care if "your character can beat my character". I'm enjoying my game, thank you very much. :)
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Post by Yeltsu »

Kensai, duelled to thief at lvl 13 (earlier if you do not have ToB).. 'nuff said

I soloed this character all the way.. so powerfull, and so much fun!! :D :p
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Post by Cuchulain82 »


One of the real bonuses with dualclassing a F->Th is the ability to have a kit. Because UAI counteracts most limitations that the kits bring with them- ie: the famous armor-wearing Kensai. If you are prepared to wait long enough, you can have a character with all the kit bonuses and no drawbacks.

Also, you do have access to complete specialization. That is less of an advantage if you don't have the grand mastery mod though.
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Post by Cwell the fine »

Wizard Slayer dual classed into a Thief with UAI and Carsomyr is awesome!!!!!
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Post by fable »

Spam removed. Guys, this is what the thread starter is asking, for those of you who can't remember:

So I took a fighter/thief, thinking that more proficiency points in the certain weapon type I'd like to use (dual-wielding scimitars or short swords) will do the trick. I just don't know whether multi-classing (taking a few Fighter lvls and then advance in Thief only) would be better, or dual-class is the way to go?

Another thing, how do traps work? I have Set Snare abilities but I never ever managed to set a single trap, I always fail. What do they do if I can set them?

That's it. Let's stick to his requests for answers, here. Thanks.
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Post by boo's daddy »

[QUOTE=Yeltsu]Kensai, duelled to thief at lvl 13 (earlier if you do not have ToB).. 'nuff said

I soloed this character all the way.. so powerfull, and so much fun!! :D :p [/QUOTE]
I second the motion: am playing this one at the moment.

Just did for demogorgon in under 1 round.

I dualled at 13; got my Kensai skills back before chapter 6.

A good move is Kai > Backstab! (Though you can only backstab with weapons that a thief can normally use)

I had the same problem with setting traps, Brynn. Just select the ability and click where you want to set the trap up. Try it a few times when you're not getting pounded by enemies and you'll get it. If it won't let you select it, it's probably because you've got some item equipped that thieves aren't allowed.
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Post by DaemonJ »

Another thing, how do traps work? I have Set Snare abilities but I never ever managed to set a single trap, I always fail. What do they do if I can set them?
Your Set Traps skill might also be too low. Try adding some points to that skill the next time you level up.

I imported my kickbutt halfling thief from BG1 and made him a Swashbuckler. I was about halfway through chapter 2 and was fully disgusted with his performance. He hit about every 3rd or 4th attempt but got hit every other attempt by his enemy and was close to death by the end of every battle.

Try the Swashbuckler so you can see how it plays but I certainly cannot recommend it to anyone.
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Post by DaemonJ »

Since my last post I decided to start a new game using an Elf Fighter/Thief (Multi-class) and am extremely happy with his performance. The additional weapons that are available along with the extra proficiencies are really great.

It was worth losing the import for the better gameplay.

Thanks for starting this thread! :)
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Post by BG_DaDDy »

fighter/thief is a very capable tank dealing out dmg. If u have tob, muti-class fighter/thief will be better than dual class, since u can access to fighter's HIAs as well. Orc is the best race for muti-class fighter/thief, with extra str and con.

kensai -> thief is one of the most powerful dual class combination, but in tob muti-class is a little bit better cuz of accessing both classes HIAs.
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Post by DaemonJ »

[QUOTE=BG_DaDDy]kensai -> thief is one of the most powerful dual class combination, but in tob muti-class is a little bit better cuz of accessing both classes HIAs.[/QUOTE]
What does HIA mean?
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Post by Pellinore »

I think he means High Level Abilities....
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Post by Nimiety »

I love thief -> fighters... I dual them very late (around level 24 so they get UAI which is still applicable to the fighter even after the thief duals!) and bring them through the entire game.

For the trap skills, bring the skill level up to 80%, which is enough to help you succeed most of the time. I usually end up bring skills up to, say, 110 to give me a little room for penalties and still have great success (especially for hide in shadows).

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Post by Amran_X_Kaiser »


Good stuff - someone that maximises the game mechanics.

Personally, dual-class a wizard slayer > theif with max levels achievable.
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Post by Cwell the fine »

[QUOTE=Amran_X_Kaiser]Good stuff - someone that maximises the game mechanics.

Personally, dual-class a wizard slayer > theif with max levels achievable.[/QUOTE]
I agree, and think this is the most powerful combo.

BTW, what are the "max levels achievable"?
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Post by Amran_X_Kaiser »


I've noticed that other players tend to dual-class rather early near 9 or 13 and having a level 32 or 33 something or other, but after looking at the experience tables I noticed that this can be changed to 21 or 22 and still being able to achieve 24 levels in the second class. Imagine a fighter with 22 levels in terms of hp and attack whilst still being able to achieve a level 24 cleric after dual-classing.
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Post by Cwell the fine »

Yes, this is true, but you also have to imagine that for about half the game, you won't have any Fighter levels to use (they're dormant until your new class passes the old one).
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Post by Amran_X_Kaiser »


'Dual-class before you give Adalon her eggs. That way the experience of saving those eggs, leaving the underdark and also having yoshimo's heart and recruiting drizzt will get you around 250000 xp'

'Never said it was a solution - only a bit of help - its useful having a small safety-deposit box filled 250000 xp when you decide you dual-class'

Posted these two in another thread and feel they are useful here.

You will be at a disadvantage, but you will have 250000xp and the entire athkatla to explore plus underdark and any other items to offset the lack of fighter abilities, but the hp remains so its not that easy to die and a theif isn't exactly a push-over.
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Post by AxeSlash »


This is me registering, delurking and posting.

Thought I'd drop my first few pence into this thread:

I'm most of the way through SoA with a multi F/T, and having previously got about the same distance with a F->T (before something to with the Valygar quest crashed and I got stuck in his cabin), I reckon F/T seems WAY more powerful. Maybe it's just the way I play, but this guy's keeping up with Minsc and Keldorn quite easily in the kill department. The only pain is swapping armour when I wanna pick a lock or find a trap. Other than that I'm quite surprised how well he's held up to everything I've thrown at him.

I've always been a bit of a brute force player (I have Nalia as my mage and the average battle just goes Breach -> Melee, hope for the best), and I was kinda expecting my PC to be sorta halfway down the list in terms of kills, but nope. I've still got a way to go yet (I've just offed Bodhi), so I'll let you know how stuff pans out. I'm doing next to no reloading though compared to my last time through with the dual boyo.

He seems to level up relatively quickly as well which surprised me. Currently weilding Celestial Fury, Daystar, and various shields depending what I'm doing, this guy is kicking plenty of ass considering I've got Minsc dual weilding a selection of Maces and Keldorn with Carsomyr and my PC is keeping up...

I guess it depends what you spend your points on. Mine's like this at the mo:

Fighter lvl 13
Thief lvl 16

Str 17
Dex 15
Const 14
Int 13
Wisdom 13
Charisma 10

Which seems to work pretty well. Admittedly he's got the gauntlets of ogre power as well (brings str up to 18)...

I have no idea how that stacks up to everyone else's game, this is only my second time through, but I'm hoping this may have been at least useful.

Uh...just noticed this thread was started ages ago...ah well.
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Post by DaemonJ »

[QUOTE=AxeSlash]but this guy's keeping up with Minsc and Keldorn quite easily in the kill department. The only pain is swapping armour when I wanna pick a lock or find a trap. Other than that I'm quite surprised how well he's held up to everything I've thrown at him.

I've always been a bit of a brute force player (I have Nalia as my mage and the average battle just goes Breach -> Melee, hope for the best), and I was kinda expecting my PC to be sorta halfway down the list in terms of kills, but nope. I've still got a way to go yet (I've just offed Bodhi), so I'll let you know how stuff pans out. I'm doing next to no reloading though compared to my last time through with the dual boyo.[/QUOTE]
I am having the same experience with my multi-class F/T. He usually chunks who he backstabs and then can fight right alongside Minsc and Korgan. I'm having a lot of fun with him.
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