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How much do you use enchanted weapons?

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How much do you use enchanted weapons?

Post by Uffda »

just wondering if anyone really swears to enchanted weapons, I have about 30 actually good enchanted weapons and I keep most in my house. I actually only carry around about 4 of them and I don't use them much anymore. when I was below level 10 I used them all the time though. The only stuff I use thats enchanted all the time is armer and my shield.
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Post by Fljotsdale »

Enchanted weapons are a mixed blessing. In the first place, their enchantment runs out and is VERY expensive to renew. In the second place, they wear out, just like other weapons, but you have to pay to have them repaired unless you are an Expert Armourer.

So, yeah - I use 'em until the enchantment has gone, then I use the best weapon I possess that is not magic. It is good to keep a silver weapon for ghosts and such.

You can make poisons to use on ordinary weapons (or on enchanted ones, actually, giving an additional edge), although a poison is a single-use item; however, you can continue to add poison to the weapon between hits if you want to. You can tell when the poison runs out of effect on the person, because a poisoned person (rat, whatever) turns slightly green, and the green vanishes when the effectiveness of the poison ends.
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Post by Graudluin »

Enchanted weapons

I use enchanted blade, it is enchanted with silence and health drain.
It runs out charges really fast so I recharge it only when really needed agaimst tough opponents. Mostly I use soulstones so it isn't really that expensive.

And you can repair enchanted weapons when you are JOURNEYMAN of armorer. Repairing is really expensive so I'm working on armorer myself.

Also, silverweapons are not necessary as magical weapon canharm them - with charges or without
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Post by jdougan1 »

At lower levels, they were a pain because I didn't have enough money to get them repaired and re-enchanted. I tended to use them until the enchantment was gone, and then use the best non-enchanted weapon I had.

Even though it was a minor skill I built up armorer to journeyman level, and it was a major improvement - at least I could repair them cheaply.

I am now at high level, and money is no longer a concern - I own houses in every city and have well over 100k gold (how I carry that I have no idea...) so paying for re-enchantment is not a problem.

I also have an artifict that is a re-useable soul gem (would be a spoiler to say where I got it) and now do all my own re-enchanting.

So - the message is that it gets easier at higher levels.
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Post by muttspider »

idk. i like the weapons i got from the dark brotherhood. while they do wear out quickly, they certainly pack a bigger punch than most ordinary weapons.
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Post by Shadowrune »

Can I enchant them myself using spells? (Except for finding an armourer or being an expert armourer myself)
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Post by Ashen »

You can enchant weapons on your own, most of us do - at the enchantment altars - either by using filled Soul Gems or Sigil Stones.
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Post by Niteowl3915 »

once I had access to the enchantment altar and a good number of grand level gems I enchanted all my armor and weapons
I never used the premade ones cuz for me they weren't strong enough
I'm high level now though so I'd hafta agree that it gets easier when you level up
try putting soul trap on the weapon itself
a soul trap enchanted weapon plus a certain reuseable soul gem gives me mostly infinite recharging :mischief:

I dunno about being very expensive though, it's a flat trade 1 gold per charge point
I haven't been able to enchant any items with more charge than 1600 anyway
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Post by nyph73 »

the last commentor is right on the reusable soul gem + soul trap on the weapon is the way to go. I'll be writing an enchanting FAQ/guide soon, or helping my friend write one... either way, i'll post it here soon.
Enchanted items are -far- superior to normal, i mean _FAR_ superior. At level 20 virtually nothing takes my toon more than 1 sneak hit and 1 normal hit to kill... at the lower levels, everything is a 1 hit sneak kill.
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Post by Fljotsdale »

Yeah, Sneak is great! :D
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Post by Athena »

I use enchanted weapons depending on the difficulty level of the creatures I'm fighting. Say, there is one ogre, I kill it with an unenchanted weapon. Now say, there are five ogres, (*cough, weatherleah, the serpent's trail*) the enchanted weapon is unsheathed. :)
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Post by superbob263 »

I absolutly always use enchanted wepons so they run out of charge nothing carrying around a few soulgems will not fix. Plus there sneak attack is always more rewording.
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Post by Sz_2cool4u2b »

I love using enchanted weapons, here's what I mainly use now.

Enchanted Daedric Longsword

Name: Blade of Chaos

Weakness to Fire 100% for 1 sec on Strike
Weakness to Frost 100% for 1 sec on Strike
Weakness to Shock 100% for 1 sec on Strike
Fire Damage 10 pts for 1 sec on Strike
Frost Damage 10 pts for 1 sec on Strike
Shock Damage 10 pts for 1 sec on Strike
Soul Trap for 4 secs on Strike
Drain Health 3 pts for 4 secs on Strike

I finally got to journeyman in Armorer, thanks to lots of training and shooting arrows, so I can keep them repaired. I also got a certain infinite soul gem, and since it has a Soul Trap Enchantment, I use the soul I just caught to re-enchant it.
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Post by ashes2233 »

since i play an assasin i always use an enchanted glass longsword with 20 fire damage when things get too close to hit with a dwarven arrow from an unenchanted deadric bow. i have to have enchanted swords as my blade is only about 52 and my marksmans is 74 so i dont need enchantments on that
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Post by Orfinn »

Right now Im running around with Icewind, a soul trap enchantment and added frost damage. No problem with enchanting it back to normal when I have azuras star. And Im an expert armorer, giving everything I repair more in armor rating or for weapons even more damage, so its a skill well worth adding as major. The thing is, spell making and enchanting dosent seem to valuable, since sigils are much better and cheaper to enchant your weapons and amror with as for spellmaking, it seems you just cant create a spell more worth than those you can buy, they you can buy seems always do get a better edge over those I make either in duration, damage etc, a bit disappointing going through all those recommendations then :(
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