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Suggestions for a new setting?

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Suggestions for a new setting?

Post by Magrus »

I'm currently in the process of setting up a campaign which will be based on a new setting of my own making. I have basically just done bits and pieces of work on important NPC's when I had inspiration for them, and then when the character ended up formed, fit them into a particular corner of my new game world. The actual creativity department for me isn't a problem generally when I work this way, it is a matter of deciding what to use, and how many things to use.

I'm curious, would people rather see a lot of new things in a game setting, IE classes, races, spells, etc? Would they rather see old things used in new ways, so they would be comfortable with what is being used, but seeing it in a different light so to speak? Would people rather see a small group of races used across the world, or a large variation all interacting? Any other thoughts that might come to mind for people, or suggestions on things you haven't seen but might like to? I'd appreciate any input.

Some spoilers below, for those who are in my upcoming game, I don't mind if you read it so long as you are positive you can make sure to roleplay that your characters are oblivious to what has been said here.
As of yet, I have created the basic stats for character creation for a number of races that are mainly along the lines of an animal/humanoid hybrid. I have a plan involving these "beast races" in a specific part of my game world. Also, I have considered incorporating some of the concepts which were prevalent in some of the old settings in 2nd Edition DnD (IE the settings Dark Sun, Birthright, the old Dragonlance, Maztica, etc).

I am considering making sections of the world connected by underground tunnels which would be something akin to the train systems from 100 years ago. Simply roads used by a culture who was attempting to avoid rivers, lakes, mountains, deserts, jungles and oceans by traveling under them. I have yet to decide whether these will have been created by a malicious race, or a goodly race, and whether or not these tunnel systems are inhabitated by their creators or not. Thoughts on that would be appreciated in particular. The campaign I will be running is a sea-based one, so this is something put on hold as relatively unimportant for my first campaign run in my game world.

Also, I am planning on making the majority of the world so that regardless of where you originate from, the rest of the world is relatively unknown to your race. Essentially, a point in time before much exploration was done by the now dominant species. I am considering making it that those who created those tunnel systems, or perhaps a race that now lives underwater might have been dominant once and may have created the other species now dominant. Which would make them incredibly powerful, and they would have knowledge on the rest of the world essentially. Whether or not I will use this as a plot device that leads to a major part of the campaign, I am not sure yet.

I am considering making a special zone in the world that would react with magic as it was in the old Dark Sun setting. Which would be psionics is prevalent, magic is outlawed except by the most powerful rulers of the continent as it drains plant life to fuel spells instead of another power source for magic. Also, in regard to something in the same line of things, I am considering creating a new type of magic. However I am not sure I will have the time/energy to do so. Yet, if I do, I believe it will have something to do with an elemental source for the energy. How this would work, I am uncertain as there could be a lot of problems involved if I do it a particular way. However, I think it would fit with my new races to have a more "primal" magic, almost like a nature based sorcerer. A class which would be tied directly to a particular element, whether it would be fire, water, air, earth, life, death, etc.....the caster would need to have a focus, like a holy symbol to tap into that source of energy. Spells would be limited to anything that would be touching on the element alone. IE, your fire caster wouldn't be able to create any sort of water based spell, but would be able to deal with limited lightning, as well as be able to cauterize wounds as a very crude form of healing.

However, creating a focus for some of the elements would be tricky. The death one might be as simple as carrying a skull around with you. The life one would make sense as to perhaps requiring the caster to keep a tiny creature alive and well throughout the campaign, or perhaps need to plant a tree when renewing spells for the day. Water might be simply having a necklace with a flask of water around it. Air and earth might be as easy as that as well. Would anyone have any thoughts on this?
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Post by Aramant »

Re: Elemental Spell Foci

I pulled the following from Dragon Magazine. It's meant to describe alternative holy symbols based on clerical domains, but I imagine you could use the information as a starting point for your spell foci (note: I included the entry for the Healing domain as a possibility for your Life element):
Dragon Magazine #327-331]... While each of these symbols grants a minor bonus to the character wrote:Fire:[/b] These fingerless gloves are made of crimson leather and extend partway up the forearm. Red glass buttons fasten them and elaborate gold embroidery that suggests flickering flames covers the leather. The palms of the gloves bear the elemental symbol for fire, embroidered in gold, bronze, and copper-colored thread that glints in even the dimmest light. A cleric devoted to the gods of fire who wears these holy symbols gains a +1 bonus on Fortitude saves to resist cold weather and spells with the cold descriptor.

Healing: Dangling from this leather strap is a cluster of tiny, transparent glass globes, each filled with a mix of colored powders. An arcane symbol for healing or restoration marks each sphere and emits a distinctive, soothing aroma. A worshipper of the powers of healing who uses the scent of this holy symbol in his ministrations adds a +1 sacred bonus on Heal checks made to administer first aid to stabilize an ally.


Air: No crystal or precious metal seems to hold together this circlet. Made of a wispy, swirling convergence of barely-visible blue and white ribbons, it seems to magically hover over the cleric's brow. The gossamer ribbons feel soft and feather light to the touch. Bearing this circlet grants a cleric a +1 sacred bonus on Jump checks made to perform high jumps.

Death: This symbol is nothing more than a knotted, ashy-white rope the width of a man's finger. The flesh of a cleric who wears the rope around his neck becomes livid and covered with purple and yellow bruises. The bruises seem to change position slowly, as if creeping across the cleric's skin, but they are not painful and disappear if the cleric removes the rope. Whenever the cleric delivers a coup de grace, this holy symbol increases the DC of the save to avoid death by +2.


Water: This chain of tiny blue and green beads is long enough for the cleric to loop around his neck several times. The beads, tiny glass spheres filled with both salt and fresh water, rub together to recreate the soft susurrus of the sea. Wearing this symbol allows the cleric to hold his breath for a number of rounds equal to three times his Constitution score.


Earth: This stone cuisse is cunningly carved to be thin and light yet durable. It is an oval-shaped plate 3 to 10 inches long with a rough exterior surface. Threads of gold and silver wink from the folds of rock, and tiny gems no bigger than a pinhead stud the surface irregularly. The cleric straps the cuisse to his thigh and while wearing it gains a +1 circumstance bonus on Strength checks made to resist a trip attempt.
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Post by Magrus »

Very nice, I like it. Thanks! Something along those lines would be useful yeah.
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Post by Pellinore »

Good luck with your setting. I have been working on one for the past 5 years and am getting nowhere. Mine has a few similarities with yours and is quite different from yours in some spots. I know how draining the process can be. Be sure to let us know how it turns out!
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Post by Oskatat »

I'm taking several ideas about magic now and tieing it in one idea

It could be that in those highly magic sensitive regions certain cristals would form, each enhancing a persons power over the element tied to it. A person may cast any 0 and 1st lvl spell, of any element, but to progress further, the power of a crystal is needed. After obtaining a crystal that person can progress in spells again (levels up do heighten hp and everything, but not spells per day. A person gaining the benefit of a crystal gains spellcasting normal to it's class.

A person can be connected with only 1 crystal and this crystal will meld with his/her body and cannot be removed without killing this person. An crystal touched by someone with magical aptitude who is not yet tied to another crystal immediately connects. Only someone already tied to one can handle them safely. Crystals shatter when their host dies

this 'explains' why water based races will have many water mages: those crystals are easily found. To become an earth mage means the undertaking of a perillious quest to find the right crystal.

crystals resemble gems, sometimes raw, sometimes cut. Always they have a certain colour. fire/ruby red, life/emerald green, earth/onyx black, air/transparant, water/saphire blue, death/bone white

when melded with a body, the gem appears on a body part as a gem ornament. a 'third eye', a 'drop of blood' on the base of the neck, something on the chest or the back of the hand, anything. possibly the number of places where this appears may increase as the person increases in power

quest ideas:
you are sent to find crystals not commonly found in the area. This may force you to find ways into volcano's, deep sea, underdark or deep jungle and deal with the locals there

someone is looking for a way to merge with more than 1 type of crystal. If (s)he succeeds, there will be no limit to his/her power. either cooperate in the hope to gaining as much power or stop this person

(this may not be very clear, ask anything you want)
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Post by Oskatat »

the tunnels: they need not have been powerfull, just be able to tame some tunneling creatures or summon aid from earth plane creatures

good or evil, why not neutral? they did what they did because it seemed like a good idea at the time

their pressence, well, naturaly every important passage or crossway will have something like a fort or a bunker guarding it, repair and rest stations on the way.. think the roman highways.
If those beings still exist, they will be a below ground force to keep well away of. If they are gone, those passages may well teem with life since those creatures, unless they didnt need water, will heve made sure that anywhere along the ways there is acces to water. An old fort may well be the lair of a dragon now.

As to unimportant, the passages may be dangerous now, but they are probably safer than an ocean voyage, not to mention that you know that you are going somewhere where there's land.
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Post by Magrus »

@ Pellinore, yeah, I wanted to create a whole new system but that turned out to be far too much work for me to handle so I opted for a new setting and variant rules of my own for it in DnD instead. Hopefully, I can finish it slowly. :laugh: If I do, I may end up posting all of my notes so others can use it. I'm not sure on that one though.

@ Oskatat, I like the tunnel ideas, I hadn't thought of that. The crystal ones, I was talking with Aramant last night about crystals and magic and some other things. I just may use what you mentioned about the crystals being the focus for casters in conjunction with what he and I discussed. Good stuff! :D
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Post by Pellinore »

I am setting my world up (at least one nation or continent) to where mages are regulated. Mages must choose a "specialist" school to progress in, all mages can use all 0 and 1st level spells but thereafter can only progress in that school. Wild mages and sorcerer are like renegade mages are treated in Dragonlance...outlaws to be dealt with harshly. The "Powers That Be" in the wizards society which I was intending to call Pale Masters (but somebody beat me to it :mad: ) were above the law and could practice up to 3rd level outside of their school and the Head Guy could use all schools. It is something I have been tweaking for over a year now and still needs further tweaking. Druids and Bards are also outlaws and are more powerful than in current D&D rules. What I have in mind is a Birthright heavy world flavored with Dark Sun, Greyhawk and only minorly influenced by FR and Dragonlance.

I have in mind 1st or 2nd edition rules as I am not keen on 3rd edition (I am old) but I may tweak it to be played by all 3 sets....:speech: It will be darker than previous DnD and will be using quite a lot of demons and devas and such and will have a very Christian and possibly Muslim flair. Oh, and there will be a Master Race of dragons....

This is a lot of work :(
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Post by Magrus »

That actually sounds fairly interesting. It wouldn't be good to play for a lot of games, as it would be hard to play certain classes and be law-abiding citizens. However, it would certainly make things interesting.

Oh yeah, don't you hate when you come up with something great on your own, then find out that someone else came up with it, and it is now copyrighted? :rolleyes: I hate that...I've come up with lyrics before bands did, but they own them, because they got signed and I didn't. :mad:
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Post by Pellinore »

The hard-to-play classes will be compensated for their hardships. I will be bringing into view some real-world issues. One of the main focal points will be a government which is so Lawful Good that it is sickening, overbearing and oppressive and downright evil underneath it all.

Discussing it is giving me even more ideas. One of the hardest parts is making sure everything stays up with everything else and have no contradictive elements.
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Post by melancolly »

A new setting ahh the best thing any gm can do , ive been running my own setting for about 6 years now and have a solid following , when i first set out i just invented one small village and a mountain and just let the players fill the gaps then i just built the world from there now i have 3 continants and a few small islands , world politics and a huge story which just keeps getting better.

if you go with the flow the players get really involved but i must say a bit more prep work than i did is adviseable (spiral stair cases) but the best thing about your own setting is no rules lawers.
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Post by Magrus »

[QUOTE=Pellinore]The hard-to-play classes will be compensated for their hardships. I will be bringing into view some real-world issues. One of the main focal points will be a government which is so Lawful Good that it is sickening, overbearing and oppressive and downright evil underneath it all.

Discussing it is giving me even more ideas. One of the hardest parts is making sure everything stays up with everything else and have no contradictive elements.[/QUOTE]

Ah, well if they are compensated that would make it interesting to say the least. I was thinking of doing something like that myself in my campaign with the LG country. It makes a decent way for any alignment to have a problem with and want to change the government really. Even Paladin's would feel the need to go against the laws.

Yeah, that's the main point of me opening this thread. Even if no new ideas are brought up, discussing the ones I put out can lead to new ones. :D

@ Melencholy, I have made about a dozen or so new NPC's. Some are grouped together, and others are individuals which will head NPC organizations or be "boss" type enemies. That's about as far as I have gotten, as at this point my campaign hasn't started. I have the next 3 encounters planned out as what will be happening. The rest, the player's decide where they will go, and that will dictate what I create. I warned them that they will be dealing with me having to pause gaming until I create the necessary parts for whatever area of the world they journey to. Which, once I get my new computer up, it shouldn't take too long to fill in all the little details I need under those major NPC's. Unless I make custom classes/races/items/spells etc to go with them, then it could take 2-3 weeks of work.

The good thing is, I kind of work on an impromptu basis. I make stats, and that is about it. I take a great deal of time in crafting the actual character sheet of my NPC's. I really don't bother with jotting down text or what not. That comes to mind easily for me on the spot most of the time. I base all of that off of what the character is doing at the moment. If what they do inspires me to create a new plot twist down the road, I then work on that after the gaming session is done. So, all in all, I may end up with plots that I first jotted down in short notes and NPC's before the game being made that never get used in this game and are premade for another game in this setting. :D
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Post by Oskatat »

hmmm, or you could make it so that spellcasters can cast those spells, but if they do, they are violating a law and will undoubtedly suffer the consequences. That makes it more of a concious choice of the spellcaster. For wizards, simply having no acces to certain types of spells in other spellbooks or scrolls will effectively stop you from getting them in your spellbook in the first place

as an after thought, be sure to have a seperate spellbook for your illegal spells, its very easy to simply check those spells for any investigation

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Post by Pellinore »

That is a thought. I will put that in my notes. I fighured up last night how long I have been working on this.....5 years, solo. Gary Gygax had help :mad: Plus he showed that even HE couldn't beat what he created with his failed Dangerous Journeys and I have yet to check out his new game Lejendary Adventure. Hope this one does well...I kinda feel bad for him, D&D was his creation.
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Post by Siberys »

A good way of getting spells cast to a minimum is this, grab a Tome of Magic Book (new magic book for DND 3.5), and it has 3 classes in there. Those classes don't have very many spells, but the ones they cast are quite powerful-

Take for Example, the Truenamer.

He speaks the truename of the target he wants, which is already hard in itself (It's a skillcheck each time you cast a truename spell), then he has th speak the spell, and finally, it only lasts five rounds. BUT, say you go for "Word of Nurturing" where it gives you fast healing depending on the degree of the spell (least, lesser, greator, major, etc).

Pact magic is also the same, and this one is commonly abolished by law as it is already. Basically you're taking a vestige, a spiritual being and merging it's powers into your body.

Shadow magic is the same way as well. It's harnessing the power of the shadow to create some serious illusions (one of the pictures has the gnome bard Gimble's shadow take a solid form and the shadow harasses Gimble, scaring the crap out of him).

But these forms of magic are rare, and quite unused by common folk, so you could use this as a basis for your spellcasting stuff.

Also, Incarnum could potentially be a use as well, since I know you have that book.
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