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Corprusarium Predicament

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Corprusarium Predicament

Post by BLHENG »

Corprusarium Predicament (SPOILER)

Being the dumb person that I am, I killed several corpus victims in the corprusarium. I forgot to talk to the warden before I went in, and so I didn't remember to not attack/kill the victims. I had already saved over the four game saves. (I had four so something like this wouldn't happen) . Go figure, it did. What am I supposed to do now that Lord Fyr won't talk to me or give me the cure?

I tried going back to Cassius, but that didn't help. He told me to see Fast Eddie( not for reasons of the corpus), but that didn't help either. I've tried killing Lord Fyr, but I simply cannot. Does anyone know?

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dragon wench
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Post by dragon wench »

Welcome to Game Banshee :)

This has been covered extensively here, so next time use the search function ;)

To answer your question, if you don't have a save before you killed the corprus victims, chances are that you are screwed. Though, there *might* be ways of getting Fyr to talk with you..... I think some people have succeeded in your situation. Try doing a search under Fyr...

What I would suggest trying is to make sure you are in sneak mode and have at least 80% chameleon, then try addressing Fyr...
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Post by Magelord648 »

[QUOTE=Dragon Wench]What I would suggest trying is to make sure you are in sneak mode and have at least 80% chameleon, then try addressing Fyr...[/QUOTE]
That would be called pickpocketing and wouldn't help. Being invisible doesn't help either as he doesn't attack you. He just refuses to talk.
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